I love the new forums, but

I have spent two hours on the new forums and I am about to tear my hair out…

First, I found out two weeks too late that threads with activity within the past two weeks got carried over. So I gotta recreate guild threads with none of the stories or conversations from the comments, unless I post them myself, but guess what. I can’t post a reply to my own thread until others have “participated.”

This is when I realised my DK Guide is ruined. Aside from the fact it wasn’t carried over and half the good stuff is in the comments, unless the character limit per post has been removed, I can’t recreate the extensive 20-post guide. And while searching for where to post such a guide on the new forums, just to see if it is possible to make a single post that long (I seriously doubt it, but won’t know until I try) I found…

My DH guide, which last had a post on Oct 30th, except it’s only the first post. AKA only the introduction and not the guide nor the comments. AKA a totally useless thread at this point, especially since I who made it don’t have permission to edit nor delete it on the new forum.

Oh, also, this lovely tidbit from the bottom of every thread: This topic will close a month after the last reply.
So if you’re a small guild, or your guildies don’t touch the forums, or for whatever reason nobody posts for a month, the thread is locked, goodbye, thanks for playing. o/

And the only understandable-but-still-annoying part of this list: I can’t post the same comment twice, even if the second time is in another thread, for another realm. This is annoying, because my guild exists on two realms and needs a guild thread on both realms and both threads need to be updated with the same information…

Oh and I can’t even post replies on most threads without changing characters arbitrarily. As in the button to reply doesn’t even appear unless I shuffle through alts until I find one who can actually see and thereby click Reply, as I had to do just to post this.

;facedesks and screams internally;

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