You fly in get destroyed by 20 people camped at the flight master
So then you group up in general and make your own raid then the people that were ganking you just disappear. Leave the raid and suddenly 20+ people spawn on top of you…
I don’t understand it lads. Why do raids disappear when you join your own raid?
You could phase out of server you’re on if raid leader is from another server.
There are multiple War Mode phases on normal realms. But origin of each player is still their own server. So if your raid leader is from another server/phase - you phase in their phase when you join, and phase out to your original when you leave.
If that is the case - try to be a raid leader, or give RL to someone from your server/phase.
If it’s not the case - then maybe your current phase is overloaded and can’t hold more horde in it, since it’s for the whole zone and not just your current location. This is a major flaw of whole phasing system, and I think it could be fixed only by upgrading server hardware to extend capacity (and also finally fix that horrible lag in WM and overall, especially in the last few weeks).
This mechanic (change phase on leader) is also used to do “hot drops”. Horde players go to certain WQ/Area but not in raid/group. One player created LFG, others apply for it. Then when there are targets at this WQ/Area, player accept all invites and boom - a lot of ppl appeared out of nowhere. Then they disband, and sometimes need to leave area for a few yards and came back to phase out and be ready for another go.
Similarly same mechanic is used to avoid loosing. Players switch party leader and move to an area with a switch trigger (in/out WQ, city border, map border, etc) - this more often than not triggers phase switching and they disappear from their attackers.
All of it really needs to be fixed, because quite often it’s very frustrating and - it’s just abusing and cheating.