i have been playing since 8.0 - till 8.2; i had amazing fun time; truelly had amazing experience; really loved this expansion but i can’t seem to continue; completely burned out with same reset with each patch; same daily and weekly reset. i really don’t think i can do another reset grind.
please hope they skip 8.3 and just do 9.0
let me know what you think?
They are skipping 8.3 its official.
Now is only to guess how short they will cut BFA
Don’t do it then.
Do what you feel like doing, not what you feel like you must be doing. 
The flow of content for BFA has gone from trickles to being OK, but the overall duration of it has been protracted. Things which should have been at launch (which were in legion) were not in BFA until a lot later and so on. The whole content spread and pacing of content has worked against BFA in ways and I wouldn’t mind it coming to an end sooner rather than later!
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I don’t mind what they do, as long as they make it good enough.
If the next patch has a satisfying ending to the war campaign that leads into a cool new storyline for the next expansion that is totally fine with me. If it just wraps up the war campaign and we still play the aftermath of that in 8.3 then that’s fine with me too.
What I do hope for the next expansion is that it’ll be back to Legion’s patch schedule. That was excellent.
Source pls. They most definitely will not skip 8.3 since they probably have most of the content done, including the story. They may have cancelled a third warfront, though.
Pretty much every popular streamer have talked about this on youtube. Belular in his wow news as well. go check it out, there you’ll find all the sources you need 
That is only speculation, not confirmation, could be wrong, could be correct, i kinda hope it is, so we just get it done with bfa.
They end the most hated part of BFA along azerite in 8.2.5 and smh we won’t have a 3rd raid ?
Doomsayers claimed BFA was so bad that there would be no 8.2 and that Blizzard would just focus on 9.0, care to remind me how it turned out ?
Pretty much this. Burning yourself on content you don’t want to make won’t somehow make it a great experience in the long term
Just take your time, if anything 8.3 won’t most likely last nearly as long as 7.3 did and taking a break now won’t have too much impact on 8.3 if you already have your essences
Nah really I think that it has two reasons
1 because of the review Bfa have had
and 2nd and most likely, because they are behind a lot with the releases. If they are to follow their usual scedual, they should release 8.2.5 before christmas, and then make it to 8.3 for the summer. Its way too close and far too much work considering the content which will be released with 8.2.5.
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Source on that please ?
And not the streamers views actuall facts because if anything they will tell us about it at blizzcon alongside the new expac .They wount make EP last to August 2020.
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I really doubt it tbh
BFA core issues beside the story and the neck were directly inherited from legion and they both faced the same kind of criticism at first with some of them being far worse in legion than in BFA (TF, lock to a spec & main, RNG legendaries and huge grind for the last of them, being forced to reroll to obtain the legendaries you needed and so on)
Somehow it worked out pretty well isn’t it ?
8.2 was a huge improvement compared to the mess that was 8.0, if they ever release a 8.3 and try to please their players as it’s the last patch we could end up with something great imo.
They may be behind in schedule but with the few million classic players paying their sub for an already developped game they don’t really need to rush it.
Let’s say 8.2.5 release next week, 8.3 PTR starts in early october, 8.3 release in december, 8.3.5 release in february and the 9.0 beta in may. It leaves them with what, 5 months beta test for 9.0 ? 6 if they accept to release the expansion after summer.
I don’t know much about how early Blizzard usualy release their alpha/beta but it looks doable
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Its not that hard to go seach youtube man… or to go find the patchnotes. Geez
Not a man and until Blizzard says no Patch 8.3 then I refuse to believe it .
Only Blizzard knows.
I haven’t seen any announcement.
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Really? you gonna play the girl card? 
I am a woman too, and I am not very technical at all. Yet I still know how google works 
Nothing to do with google Blizzard have not put up an official blue post saying about patch 8.3 .
I just dislike being called dude and “man” it shows disrespect I don’t watch streamer because most of them lie to get an audience then fob it off as “it was only rumours to start with”
So please stop saying its fact when it is not .
Because Daestra knows it all xD