I "miss" how WoW was before

Here’s an idea, if you don’t mind me:

I think traditional factions are pretty much dead for a variety of reasons, most of them related to the slow march of time as players slowly creep towards their favourite faction.

But what if we could sometimes get content patches that allows us to straight up select a faction - and those factions were at war?

And let’s say further that, although you have to choice, certain types of players are pushed by the game into one faction or the other. They still get the ultimate say but the game will auto-suggest or try to lure them. Parameters here can be class, race, experience (how long someone has played), current faction balance, etc.

Let’s say for example that there’s a patch where we go into the Emerald Dream, right, and 3 factions emerge:

  1. The Nightmare
  2. The Grovewardens
  3. The Chosen of Elune

In this case the story might be something like we want to plant the new world tree but it’s from the plane of death, and some druids are really unhappy about this. Many people, however, consider Elune a saint and part of the dream, and therefore this gift from the realm of death has the blessing of nature - so it’s fine. Right?

Meanwhile, the old Nightmare is coming back to stop both of them by corrupting and damaging the dream, attempting to thwart the planting of a new world tree entirely. Why? Because every time one is planted someone comes to kill it and nearly takes Azeroth with it. Those who fought the Legion and the Scourge would know. And Shadow Priests just wanna ruin the dream because they’re backed by the voidlords.

Depending on class you get a recommendation!
Warrior: Chosen of Elune
Paladin: Chosen of Elune
Hunter: Grove Wardens
Rogue: Chosen of Elune
Priest: If you are shadow when asked, The Nightmare, otherwise The Grovewardens
Shaman: The Grovewardens
Mage: Chosen of Elune
Warlock: The Nightmare
Monk: Grovewardens
Druid: Nightmare if Feral or Guardian, otherwise Grovewardens
Demon Hunter: Nightmare
Death Knight: Nightmare
Evoker: Grove Wardens

But you can pick whichever one you want, and the different factions will have different transmogs and titles for the character - but more importantly, once you choose your side you get locked in unless you complete a quest and you are now at war (in Warmode) with the players of the other two factions.

This is very similar to Covenants, but since there is no character power and it’s more about what quests and objectives you get and what transmogs, you can now play the game 3 times and have a unique experience each time. Or just accept whichever one you got and have fun with the sense of identity and conflict here.

A year down the line, when the faction balance is just about ready to collapse due to time, the factions become irrelevant to further progression and a new set comes up.

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I could not care less about the alliance vs. horde conflict. Been following the game since 2005, played it myself since 2006.

There is a whole lot more and interesting to WoW than the horde vs. alliance, imo.

You when chromie time exist: :scream:

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Times change but not always for the better is sadly all I have to say.

True there is and I know the content but the issue here is the player mentality is split between pure pvp game which they are better off playing a moba and me and you that enjoy lore history and PvE of the game then anything else we are where we need to be.

At least it’s not the same enemy everytime :woman_shrugging:

Honestly, I’m sick and tired of conflict narratives, as they make it hard to understand what faction am I playing on the Horde side.
So far Warcraft showed:

  • Gul’dan Horde, led by Blackhand.
  • Orgrim Doomhammer Horde.
  • Thrall Horde.
  • Garrosh Hord.
  • Sylvanas Horde.
  • Council Horde.

So the question is: what’s the next version of the Horde ?

I made a post on the role playing-forum, a year ago, asking the following question:

The best answer, came from, Skadefryden:

Continuing the discussion from Horde character(s) soul searching question:

If they make another faction conflict expansion, I see myself leveling only through TW, 19 of my current 25 characters, I play at level 70. I might need to bring another 4, currently at level 20.


Did i say i was restricted to 1 character?, + why would i lie about being new to the game in this topic…? :rofl:

I was going to say, this is Covenants v2 :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

But yeah, if it had been only about transmog, the NPCs with interact with, the quest hubs we visit, and maybe what kind of daily quests we get (e.g. a greater proportion of combat vs peaceful tasks) then it’s totally fine. My entire problem with Covenants was the power differential and how we often had to choose between an aesthetic we didn’t care for or gimping our performance to a significant degree.

I have no problem with Covenants v2 as long as there is zero character power associated with the choice. And that has to include professions too! Just because my warrior is a blacksmith doesn’t mean he wouldn’t like to hang out in a flowery forest :dracthyr_comfy_blue:

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First of all; I never said you were lying.
Second; you didn’t actually help matters by saying ‘don’t ask how’.


Because everything in too much repetition gets boring.

Maybe for you that play once in every full moon it’s so cool. Those of us seeing it for 15years find it old and tired.

So, i much rather move in a new direction, thank you. We already did the alliance vs horde things 3 times already in RTS and WoW and we all know it can’t lead anywhere cause one of the factions can never actually win and all we will hear is a lot of hate and forums flaming and finally Thrall and Jaina brokering for peace cause everyone is tired of the whole thing.

No. I don’t want faction war yet again, thank you. It’s repetitive and uninspiring and honestly i don’t care anymore. It’s a phony war without any stakes and it can never have real stakes. So, i’d rather fight the baddies, thank you. At least we can have a resolution to that.

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I play every day lol

For me, faction conflict was the greatest flaw of WoW.
WC3 ended with a message of co-existence and then WoW was like “The drums of war, thunder once again!”

You also cannot have one side be the baddies either. So the baddies get shed from their faction and become everyone’s punching bag.

Garrosh started from a brash youth who needed some wisdom knocked into him and ended up Fantasy Furrier.

Jaina started as a peacemaker and almost ended up being the new villain (she seriously ragequit out of the last Legion invasion) until she got hit with the reset button.

Sylvanas started from an avenging anti hero and ended up into all she fought against until she got hit with the reset button (it seems that the ladies get to be saved from their dark paths in Blizzard games while the gentlemen just get killed off).

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I think this summarizes it VERY well. The same theme can cause lots of fatigue over the years. While I myself as a “semi-new” player understand OPs point, I have to admit that any large scale conflict between Horde and Alliance at the moment would make 0 sense to get rid of that fatigue. Maybe in 6 years after 2-3 expansions we can talk about it. But for now the games story should focus on foes that are against both Horde and Alliance without forcing them to wage war onto each other.

Not only would the right story build-up over the years make another war between the main factions feel more important but also make it feel more realistic as a betrayal of trust.

For instance, let us say the next 2 expansions focus on no war setting between Horde and Alliance, but there are still political tensions, manipulations from outside the factions to turn them against each other, etc. And when the 3rd expansion comes around (in this imaginary example), the conflict would feel like a much needed conclusion to a story that has been in the making for the last 2 expansions instead of feeling like a forced setting to satisfy some nostalgia.


The coolness of that ended 28 years ago with WC2. Quite literally with the Horde being defeated. What we got in wow was just a dead horse that blizzard insisted on still feeding at the detriment to both their story and gameplay.

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Last time Blizzard made a faction conflict they completely fumbled it. Sylvanas escaping Karma like Houdini while the rest of the horde leaders were like “you burned a tree full of civilians and blighted your own people? Sure we’ll still follow you around because a dying troll said so. Our faction is all about honor btw”. People joked how BFA promised to portray factions as morally grey, yet what we got is… yeah.

I didn’t hate the faction conflict but if Blizzard can’t write it properly then the factions might as well be allies until the day Blizzard stops adding new content to the game.

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  1. Create a class trial
  2. Achievement unlocked
  3. ???
  4. Chromie time!

i dont hate old classic world like heppy made up great lvl does not take ages m plus pretty chill raid could use improvment 10 man mythic love thet beyond thet dont relly give crap pvp anymore busted years need blance solo rbg qeu beyond thet not bad

Thinking up new story lines whilst working round the backlog of lore is a challenge, for me, I hope we have seen the back of demons

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