I "miss" how WoW was before

Honestly, I’m sick and tired of conflict narratives, as they make it hard to understand what faction am I playing on the Horde side.
So far Warcraft showed:

  • Gul’dan Horde, led by Blackhand.
  • Orgrim Doomhammer Horde.
  • Thrall Horde.
  • Garrosh Hord.
  • Sylvanas Horde.
  • Council Horde.

So the question is: what’s the next version of the Horde ?

I made a post on the role playing-forum, a year ago, asking the following question:

The best answer, came from, Skadefryden:

Continuing the discussion from Horde character(s) soul searching question:

If they make another faction conflict expansion, I see myself leveling only through TW, 19 of my current 25 characters, I play at level 70. I might need to bring another 4, currently at level 20.
