I nearly decided to main Arcane for TWW

I’ve neved mained Mage before, but then I tried out Arcane Mage during the Beta for TWW.

It was so. much. fun to be able to run around, super fast, throwing Arcane Missiles and Barrages, Blinking all over the place.

But now that we’re in pre-patch, Chrono Shift is gone and and Clearcasting doesn’t seem to procc nearly as often for the Arcane Missiles to become available. That’s a shame, because the spec feels way slower and less gratifying now.


I completely agree, arcane mage has always been my favorite class in the game. It was great before the changes. Now it’s just another class - absolutely terrible, weak and boring.
Making the main ability of the class - AM dependent on random and super rare procs (I can cast blasts for 15 seconds without a single one!) - is insane. Now they also decided to nerf barrage damage by 65%! I don’t understand what they’re doing at all. They need to return the ability to cast arrows at any time and return chrono shift (not only in pvp but also in pve).

Classic “Fun Detected” by Blizz
Beta was too good to be true, they just had to shift us back to a slow annoying playstyle.

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Arcane was nearly better than fire, Blizzard do not allow that. :face_exhaling:


I heard somewhere (cant remember) that the lack of AM procs is a(nother) pre-patch bug. Hopefully itll get fixed soon. Just fyi so you dont give up completely if it turns out to be a bug.

The gameplay felt sooo good at the start of the beta. So fast and high energy. But then blizzard destroyed it.

I am not talking about the numbers. But the fast paced rotation just got gutted.

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Blizz still wants mages to be mainly stationary, even if the content nowdays is based on chaotic movements in raids / M+.

Besides one cooldown and one Arcane Blast after Touch of the Magi, the whole AoE rotation can be cast while moving.

right thats why all 3 specs spam more instant casts than they are actually casting lol

I wonder if blizz ppl who design and work with mages are same old dudes like me, and now after all these wow-years grown old for real?

Having a class that are fine to join fights and move around with a helping “walker” just fit the real world that we old dudes experience, so we feel included too …
But maybe not so fun in a game. Na, Blizzard really have to start re-think what they doing with some classes, who those classes are and what those stand for.

A fire mage that can´t do real dmg … there is something really wrong here tbh and shouldn´t this class / spec be fun to play?

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I have mained fire since legion, tbh I got to 80, was doing the heroics and it felt like I was playing a wet noodle. A wet noodle I might add that is crap at aoe and crap at single target.

I swapped to arcane and its night and day.

Felt actual fun again being able to run through a heroic blasting things and keeping up or exceeding the other pug dps.

Im sure blizz will find some way to mess it up, but its currently fun.

You dont need a degree is quantum mechanics anymore to enjoy arcane again.