But my boyfriend is going to visit his parents, and I’m going to be alone for 5-6 days.
I’ve never been alone, anyone maybe want to be friends? And do stuff together, especially in WoW. Please add me if you’re interested. I’m Avrí-ArgentDawn
I know this is a bit weird sorry. I moved out from my country so I don’t have friends irl. :c
Oofs maybe look for a guild or something alpng those lines? Most guilds have a some sort of family feeling to them and can be quite nice to hang out with
Lots (if not almost) guilds are like a big family and very open, especially on AD!
Living guild chat, discord chanel, voice, music, good mood and at least one people who tag along to do M+, Vision, invasdion, leveling, raid, RP (RP server you know) or anything
Speaking of RP, since its AD, the possibility you will find a friend hanging around mayor RP hubs is pretty high!
What kind of RP are you into? I am sure someone could point you to a hub or potentially an event to take part in if we know a bit more about your characters!
Don’t be afraid little Demon Huntress!
I’m sure every Vulpera caravan would be happy to have you aroun either just for company, a meal next to a campfire or to have you travelling with them as a protection
Even Demon Hunters could relax and smile
They sacrificed everything to have power to avange their lost ones, to protect
Half-demon special ops
But even demons need to relax time to time and smile
As a half-demon you are not worse than a full blooded one and just look Matron Matron Mother Malevolence; as a Shivarra she is the upper crust of demons and have feelings, laugh, even shed a tear when you recruit her and overal a nice lady
But even the most baddest demons, the Annihilan love to have fun and laugh (tho evil laugh but laugh)
The Nathrezim are full of “joy” like the Sayaad
Don’t be stereotypical “illidan clone” (tho he is prone to smile, laugh and chase his love…) edgelord… you are a personality
And an individual!
As someone who is a pro at being alone, its not that bad, the only bad part is when you’re stuck on the toilet with no paper and you can’t call for anyone to get some more.
Ask Kump, he collects friends like a grandma collects pottery
Well, Hello!
There’s a lot of friends you can find on AD, of course. Can recommend joining Dustpaw as Vulpera as well.
If needed help, this is my Discord, damn it Dudflex…