I need some help with ideas

So, here I am, having finally unlocked Zandalari…

But I am having problems on knowing what to Rp with them, I am kinda thinking of a priest of Bwonsamdi, what types of power, magic and such would he be able to use ?

Either that, or a Zandalari druid, but I am unsure of what Loa he would follow.

If you have some guides to Roleplaying a Zandalari too that’d be great.

That depends. Priests in troll culture aren’t really like your usual holy Light human guys. Mostly they are witch doctors, hexxer or some of the likes of hexx priests.

As just a troll priest you can take different roles. But mostly mending people and over all just revering your Loa / helping other trolls to connect to your Loa.

When it comes to powers you can go crazy. Anything death magic. Raise skeletons, throw bones at people, use magic that makes things decay. There aren’t really any limitations.


Take a look at what the ghosts of Bwonsamdi (or himself) can gameplay wise do.

I can find things like: gravebolt and shadow smash. So you can really go wild on ideas that have to do with decay and / or death.

Though priests aren’t much to fight in troll culture. More to communicate with the spirits, the Loa and help people with their sacrifices to their Loa and such.

Gonk, master of shapes. He allows trolls to follow multiple Loa at once. Which is (most presumeably) the reason why zandalari druids exists and can shapeshift.



To learn the different histories of the troll tribes.

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So, Zandalari priests do not fight then ? That seems to be a bit boring in the long run when it comes to RP…

Maybe a Zandalari druid is the right class for me to Rp then, since I do not really see how Bwonsamdi is a lot about healing since he is the loa of Death.

He isn’t, that is true. That is all gameplay. Like kaldorei priests are using gameplay wise the Light, but are all about Elune and stuff.

Maybe you noticed that Zul’Gurub (the dungeon) has 2 high priests which are heavily guarded with trash mobs. You might get an idea why now with my explanation.

True that, but both of them do fight against us, seeming to be rather powerful themselves.

True, though keep in mind they are dungeons bosses. My point was more that they aren’t on every corner and are protected for one reason or another.

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I did read that Priests are the highest of the castes, just below the Zanchuli Council itself, any truth to that ?

Priests are the highest cast. Most people I know who play “Priests” by name (Like my Priestess Tak’rata) tend not to fight and are more support characters to the warriors.

I know many who play shaman or priest OOC and IC are witch doctors and hexxars, and they often use their magic to fight with.

If you want to go Druid, take a look at Gonk, loa of shapes as he fits beautifully with druids and you have a lot of variety as a fighter.

I’m going to go poke some Painted Shields to come help more! :slight_smile:


Very nice, but yea, a priest of Bwonsamdi seems fun to Roleplay, but since he is the Loa of death, and since Zandalari priests seems to be more about healing than hurting, I dunno how that would work.

But for the Druid idea, just what are Zandalari balance druids ? since there are literally none of them as far as I have seen.

Do not fall for the ‘priest must heal’ idea!
If you’re a Bwom priest you’re not going to want to be healing people, leave that for the others and just be the spooky death guy. Tak’rata is a useless healer, she is great with blessings and advice and supporting her leaders.

Druids are druids. If you want to be a healer type you can, if you want to be warrior you can, if you want to mix it up you can. We see all kinds.


Hi! Its cool that you are intrested of some troll rp! And yes, we are ready to help more! Im not skilled with priest stuffs, but as druids, you can follow Gonk, Pa’ku, Kimbul etc. And you can rp as Dinomancer! Or shapeshifter, we have many of people like that, and they would help you out definetly if you seek to rp as any kind of troll.


Im bit busy atm, but im willin to help soon! Ill take look to this thread soon!


What type of blessings are the priests able to do ? I know about Alliance priests and such but yea, that’s not Troll priests.

I would consider troll priests are more on the side of actual shadow priests. Working with curses and so forth.


Any you can come up with really. More prowness in battle, more durability, luck and anything else. Just be creative when it comes to that.

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Okay so! Loa priests, they are indeed diffirent things than normal priest, since they do not usually get their power from any normal “light” source, they do get them more likely from Loa’s you be chosen to follow, you can either be something like Priest of (certain loa) or focus on diffirent loas at same time, Priests works mentors for others who seeks to speak with certain loas. And they do healing by their powers, and item/armour/weapon blessings. Empowering soldiers armories with Loa’s powers!


Sadly does not say anything about them. Very, very lacking.

So, what would a Priest of Bwonsamdi, which is the loa I find the most interesting, would be able to do ? :o

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Im not master on those things, but you can pretty much make stuffs out of your head what you can do, but dont make stuffs too bs as always.
But i would say that you can use Bwosamndis power to soul leeching stuffs(?) Empowering your weapon with his powers, summoning some spirit stuffs? kinda anything death stuffs related i would say.


As some Followers of Rezan use burning light to strike enemies, using light to shield and heal allies, like paladins, but like Loa and troll style.


Hmm… You might see a Priest of Priestess of Bwonsamdi soon. :wink:


Be either Priest or Priestess of Bwonsamdi! It will do fine! We would love to have another eager troll roleplayer within our rank. Never can have too many priests!

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