I need to ask you guys an important question

Do you play for fun ? or for rewards ?

I play videos games for fun. In wow I feel like I’m doing content for rewards.

I don’t have fun yes I feel something when i’m rewarded but that shouldn’t be the reason.

Is there any world quest out there that you would say is fun ? or you just doing it because good gold item upgrade , rep.

Same with mythic + when is the last time you truly felt it was a fresh new experience , really enjoying climbing the key ladder or is it just for loot and ilvl only ?

Warmode … do you join it because you love world pvp or for the xp and resource bonus it provides.

Leveling can’t be that fun , if you guys just want to dungeon Queue spam. So what’s the point of leveling if everyone wants to skip it. It seems there’s no fun and no reward in leveling anymore. No one wants the journey experience.

Should fun come first or rewards ? Why do we play other games over and over again , some of them are really old and we still play them. But in wow , when you can tick boxes and say today was fun rather than “well that was stress glad that’s over. But at least I’m done for the week.”

WoW needs to re-think it’s design in general. Primal invasions no one has ever said they were fun. No one. So why does that content exist ?

You have to be a very special kind of breed to pay for something and don’t have fun or enjoy it… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Simply don’t do things that would trigger that kind of response?
It is pretty unhealthy to “torture” youself and making your own life misrable


i honestly have fun doing WQS like the climbing one or the Catalogue one. In M+ i have fun with my friends, cause i spend time with them doing a challenge. the loot is extra for having completed it AND to go through higher challenges.

So honestly, i have fun

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I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I really enjoy the social aspect of playing with a guild and other players and in a community - however outside of that I mostly feel like I’m just playing for the rewards. There’s something addicting about the reward system, them dopamine hits, I guess…

I don’t feel immersed in the game, levelling or the story. I’ve recently been thinking and comparing it to games I have enjoyed in recent times, e.g. Fall Out 4 - I was captivated by the story, the side quests and all the characters - I also enjoy replaying it. Star Wars J:FO and the story really resonated with me too.

I even tried levelling a new character with my camera more zoomed in and trying to avoid mounting on my Dragon… but the questing and story just felt so dull. Before I knew it I was just back on my mount ping-ponging back and forth between ! and ? markers on my map without taking anything in.

I’m left wondering… why can’t WoW captivate me like RPG/story driven Action games can? It used to in TBC/WotLK.

I also think I really dislike Mythic+ though - it’s decent enough with people I know but mostly I don’t find it all that fun repeating the same dungeon. I loathe pugging. I feel like it’s the main source of gearing outside of Mythic Raid and that for the rest of the season now it’ll just be a chore I have to do every week for a chance on good vault loot. I also don’t feel how it fits into an MMORPG or even the story. Why are we re-visiting Legion dungeons, what’s the lore reason behind that?

I came back for Dragonflight after last playing in Legion but I’m already feeling a bit disillusioned with the game in it’s current state. I’d like to enjoy it more, but it’s just not happening… :confused:

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Both to be honest.
But when fun stops I will stop 99% of the time

Well I do have fun when I play, and I like getting rewards, and sometimes I go out of my comfort zone to get certain rewards (like rep grinds) but I try not to give in to the hamster wheel too much, and I don’t consider higher ilvl as a meaningful reward.

I play for RP, Story and transmogs… So I would say both.

But fact is I keep my attitude casual and my own player skill good enough to manage harder content.

But seriously, Grishka, about fun…

When did leveling not feel like a waste of time? Probably the first three expacs.
When did you stop? Now when there is a boost to the max level and a second screen with Echo finishing off the mythic boss.

There is no getting away from comparing a missed opportunity, and this will kick the player to quickly run through the leveling and epicly beat the raid bosses.

That’s why I’m taking a very leftist view of the priority between the casual focus and the e-sports focus - cut the last one and throw it into maw.
Focus on casuals.

Less is more.
Less complexity means more replays, more social connections, more fun.

They are both intertwined. Is like a sports competition for a trophy. For example, If I hated football/soccer I would never participate in a competition even if they promised me a big medal for it…yet for example I loved basketball and its still an awesome feeling to get that “1st place” reward than just playing for “fun”.

I mostly do RP, exploring, and collecting pets (BM hunter here). So I would say both. Especially since I like transmogs as it helps with RP.

But I mostly play for fun. I don’t care about M+, PVP, raiding, or being the best. I have only roughly 4000 achievement and I’m happy.

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The moment it gets unfun I uninstall the game and play something else or do something else with my time.

Cataloguing, Dragon Racing, PvP, Nazjatar Candy Crush™ quests, Climbing, it’s mostly the minigames, basically.

When there’s a new season with new dungeons, like, say, season 3&4 Shadowlands, eason 1 Dragonflight. Completely fresh? 8.3. Nothing has ever beat 8.3 out of the modern wow content I’ve played from the fun side of things. Torghast came close.

Neither, the player interactions. I’ve made more friends in the open world helping the other faction/my faction/chatting in war mode than anywhere else.

That’s like…your opinion? D: Yes, many don’t enjoy the leveling experience and would rather skip it. Also there are people who enjoy giving themselves challenges to speedrun or give themselves a handicap. It can be fun, I did a 5 hour 8-50 back in Shadowlands pre-patch because I wanted to. For me leveling is the main content once the content gets old and I can go back and experience things I’ve missed while releveling a class in my crusade to turn all my characters into void elves.

Should I even answer this?

Again, if that’s how you feel, LEAVE. Take a break. Stop playing. If you’re not having fun, just go. In a few months you might enjoy it, you might not. If you really refuse to leave try new things? Some people joined in on the hardcore classic wow craze. Why not try that? I quit mythic+ and raiding almost completely due to that. I’m having more fun.

What was that even? Are the primal invasions the mob grinds that were copied over from prepatch? I had fun doing that in pre-patch. But it’s a grind and it’ll get stale if done for a while. Plus the leveling aspect of it is gone ( :

Yes but also people who don’t enjoy something should consider taking a break. Seriously, it’ll be so refreshing, I’m taking breaks all the time myself. It’s why I’m still playing the game at all. If my sub runs for longer than 3 months at a time I’m either having the time of my life or forgot to disable the auto renewal(which has happened once but still) and barely log in.

I play wow for RP mostly
if the other things are fun on top that’s nice
normal raid seems pretty chill to do for a group that focusses more on cooperative story building then gearing.
Not a big fan of affixes as a whole, something about them screams ‘avoid having to deal with us’

Definitely for fun. I mean it’s nice to get a slightly better bit of gear and wonderful to get a mount/pet drop … but that’s not the reason I play. I love levelling with quests and story-lines. I love finding small hidden quest chains. The rewards are extra sugar on the top.


Getting rewards is fun.

I stopped doing WQ’s this expansion because there is no real worth while Gold Reward to them.

Well lets face it. Who does M+ for the loot rewards? lol.

M+ is certainly in an odd place at the moment. They need to both make it more fun AND more rewarding.

Warmode has been turned off since Patch 8.3.

Levelling was fun for a years. In fact one of the most enjoyable parts of the game. But after 20 odd times doing it, it became less fun. But also the Level squish and Chromie time ruined levelling for me. Luckily I have every class level 60 or above, so I won’t need to do that again.

Although, I really enjoy levelling in Classic, and I am considering making a new character to do it all over again.

They should come hand in hand.

Well because that’s how those games are designed.

WoW was designed to adventure and as you are adventuring you earn rewards to make you a little bit more power to help you as you carry on adventuring.

That is inherently the core of the game. However rewards are no longer just new 8 slot bags, and Green Wrists. It’s epics and mounts.

I think when you start calling for a game that’s last 18 years to be redesigned because you don’t find its core design as fun, then its not the game that should be changing.

Primal Invasions were fun to farm when they first game out, when lots of people were farming them for the transmog. However, beyond that they were poorly thought out.

Had they been a little more like the BFA Faction Invasion, where they had World Quests to do, more regular spawning Rares, they would have been alot better.

But I usually just grab what I can, in terms of rewards. Like Transmogg.

I don’t have a level 70 ATM.
Currently I’m leveling 25 characters at the same time. They are around level 64+, with the highest being level 67.

I don’t play Mithic dungeons.
Too much time waiting for a group.
Chances of being declined are too high, especially if you are a DPS.

I never use it. For me it’s the equivalent of playing on a PvP server and I want to chill not being on the alert 24/7 if someone is coming to ruin your day.

For context I played in a PvP server, for a month during MoP. I also played Cabal online a few years ago. After a certain level PvP is automatically turned on as soon as you enter the leveling zone and it was always fights for leveling spots, even with players from your own nation.

Did it back than, hated it, don’t wanna do it again.

You have achievements for completing quest areas.
You have toys for completing quests.
You learn about the story as you progress through the story quests.

I admit I usually spam LFD during TW week . But that’s because I need to start gearing up my characters and each day I don’t check the AH for level 70 gear is a good deal I might be missing out. Having 25 characters, there’s always someone needing something.

Also I would like to start playing LFR.
If not this Raid, at least the next one coming in the next patch.

I have fun leveling, getting my characters more powerful and collecting rewards.
They come together imo.



Fun, 100%.
If I didn’t find the game fun I wouldn’t be playing; rewards are a consequence of the activities I find fun to do, that is, M+, raids (to an extent, it’s not fun when you’re benched and have to wait to be called) and tmog farming/collecting.

The last activity is could be considered reward focus, though, I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t like to run BRS hundreds of times to get a rare spawn for a dagger; for me it’s fun, if I get bored I go do something else even if I didn’t get what I wanted. Why I would bother to keep farming it if I’m falling asleep? Not worth it.

Another example is that Centaur WQ in which you have to collect honey. WQs are not really my content but when I’m flying nearby and see that the WQ is up, I do it.
Honey WQ is fun for me and doesn’t give me a reward I’m looking for, I don’t even know what reward gives to be honest.

I’m not being defensive here but seems like, in a manner to speaking, a ‘you problem’ (if it’s even a problem).
In my opinion, most depends how you see the game.
If you think it’s a chore or you don’t have fun then you should not be paying for playing something you don’t enjoy.

For fun, here are the things I find fun:

  1. Combat and dps: I’m by no means a hardcore player, this season I’m not even doing m+ or raid beyond LFR/normal, but when I do those, I like to try and top the meters while spamming void spells around. I really like shadow priest fantasy
  2. Exploring (especially cities): I spent quite a bit of time exploring zones and especially cities, to find hidden rooms or houses
  3. Creating new transmogs and now doing trading post activities to unlock new pieces to create even better transmogs, to be occasionally posted on Reddit
  4. Watching rp: I really like just going around and looking at role players doing their thing, sometimes I think I will try myself but for now I haven’t started yet

Ultimately though I’m currently having more fun on hogwarts legacy, mostly destroying stuff and beating enemies around, so I’m having a break from wow (aside for the trading post which I don’t wanna miss out)

I like the climbing quest, catalogue quest and those silly ones, so I look out for them: do those, then I don’t do super much more.
I used to play for fun, then to distract, then idk… :confused:

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I do have fun yeah. I never do stuff I dislike or get too stressed by, so that means I skip plenty of content. Ilvl and loot don’t work well as carrots for me, never have.

I am easily entertained tho. I can fish or farm mats for hours, I greatly enjoy the mayhem of epic bg’s whether we win or lose, read trade chat for a giggle, find chasing some wq’s very relaxing, level a character out in the world, enjoy the views… my sense of fun is my reward and at times I get a decent item thrown in too.

I think the main thing is to be honest with yourself about what you really enjoy, instead of chasing something because you ‘should’. That’s a recipe for burning out on or hating the game through no fault of its own.

I can safely say i play 100% for fun. The only joy i find in WoW is m+ which is basically all i do. If this wouldn’t be enjoyable to me i wouldn’t play. Don’t really care about rewards.

I don’t enjoy raiding or world content so i’m not doing it after initially grinding it before season 1 launched