I never got my diablo 4 preorder mount in wow

I have preordered Diablo 4 for my PS5 back when it came out and linked everything with my blizzard account but I never received the Amalgam of Rage mount. How is this possible and how can I still get my mount.

And you just noticed…?
Or already contacted Blizzard when the problem rose its ugly head?

Probably a linking issue. Unlink and link your Xbox account to Blizzard account again.

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It’s not actually for pre-ordering, just getting the game at all, so the good news is that you’re not too late, just late.

You can check your connections in your account settings


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A possible word of caution: There is a “cooldown” when you remove a linked Xbox/PlayStation account. That CD is 365 days. What I don’t know is if you can immediately re-link the SAME account you disconnected or if that only applies to linking a different account.

This was a common issue when D4 launched last year and there was no workaround for this. But there will be a warning with information when someone unlinks an account.

My playstation is linked to my battle.net account and i cannot relink because of the year cooldown.

I just saw that the mount was even a thing didn’t know i would also get a mount with the game. But checked and didn’t get it.

Does anyone know what i can do/try to achieve it?