I newer give up

They finaly got some spelpower on healing gear from phase 5, but the gear before it still is unchanged. You dont need to change all but plz raid and dungeon loot would be good.
Still dont want a second spec if im a healer or a second set ore even three if im in to pvp.
Curent numbers are 30% of healing and i think its to little and should be raised to min 40% and maximum 60%.

And finaly it would be wery nice, good, fun if you could just do some for smite priests.
Just a small thing would be welcom.
got many idees and 1 of the ost easy would be to give us a quest/book that give us holy form that give us the same as shadow priests shadow form.
It is seasonal and what i get from it it is a lagre beta to test how Classic+ would work/look like.
Right now we got 4 holy damage spells and if i could ask for some more it would be if smite could reset the dot from holyfire.

Sor for my repeatebel posting on the topic but its the last thing i want from the class perspective.

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