I now got x2 frost dks on 2050 cr

Its doable if u good, i got x2 frost dks at 2050 cr atm.

This one is 2041 cr atm just not updated yet, my other char igetmount is on 2053.

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So what you’re saying is DK is broken and needs more nerfs?


It needs buffs, i am unique.

Not everyone plays like me.


I agree. Nerf chill streak and pillar

It needs buffs, i am unique.

cg, is your e-peen big enough yet?

I am not using chill streak.

I am 2050 cr no chill streak.

I don’t know man.

If you can maange to reach such a high rating with all the deflation, it must mean that DK is a broken OP class.

Clearly, nerfs are in order. Big ones.


Murbastic simply built different


Yea i changed name to suit my class.

Iam 2121 with 67% winrate as frost. Unholy need god’s help tho.


Murbastic GigaChad


U also have 61 rounds played can’t really say win rate here u played so few :slight_smile:

Can’t see your logic

Becouse that’s only 10 games of solo shuffle, if u can be same rating for more games then it’s all good :slight_smile:

he is at that rating with so many rounds because his mmr is even higher. Obviously he wont have a 68% winrate forever thats nearly impossible in shuffle but rating wise he will get alot higher when he plays more since his mmr must be 2300+

Rank 1 frost is 2189, he can sure beat that if he plays more :slight_smile:

It was few rounds not many.

just lost 100 rating cuz of OP precog caster meta and cuz unholy is unperforming AF.

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There ain’t any logic here.

By unique you mean uniquely untalented? You spam shuffle 24/7, judging by how many rounds you already played this and also last season and yet you are unable to get any significant rating.

I say my rating is fine atm if u look on dk ladder, last season i also had legend.