I play again since 1 week+ and im already done with this game

Everything alright?

Hey, it’s a MMO, you progress bit by bit, you remember the time of attunements or resistance gear?

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Actually,devs play pvp but in other games and nerfind/buffing in wow accordingly to what is going on in guild wars 2 etc…

Necro (warlock) too strong in gw2,damn he’s probably strong in wow too,lets nerf it just in case.

That’s the logic of wow staff these days.

Don’t you see they started implementing gw2 systems in wow?

thats what im going to do with a mm hunter

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are you complaining about convoke from druids ? wich is the easiest to counter spell in the world and barely played at a little higher rating ? but hey… posting on a level 50 … sure… probably plays rogue / fire mage/ wich are more broken then anything and every expansion blizzards favorite.
pvp unbalanced thats for sure. but your blaming spells and skills that are barely played since its countered by everything

then apply at blizzard and show us how it must be done?

if you hate them, remove yourself from the forums and the game.

‘’ oh no we are forced to play the game ‘’ … maybe call of duty or elden ring is more your style ?

No, just stop. That’s not how it works. He has valid points. It’s not his job to find solutions for this. Your toxic behaviour is really stupid.
Besides Blizzard already had those issues rooted out years ago and they decided to destroy perfectly working systems again.

No the game was perfectly fine during Cata and MoP. Call of Duty and Elden Ring are 1-2-3 button joke games. Fook this PvE crap.

oh god no pls never ever let this be a thing again… of all pvp seasons , gear scaling was the worst

The gear scaling from WoD was great.


You remember they scrapped that because everyone hated it?

You yourself is not everyone

I’m on the majority side here.

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