I really can't relate to any of these characters in Shadowlands

I agree too, and we’ve seen several posts on the forums in the same vein.

It doesn’t feel like WoW. It’s not that it doesn’t feel like Azeroth - which I suppose it shouldn’t - but that it doesn’t feel like WoW.

I feel this most strongly in Revendreth. I like Revendreth best of the Shadowlands zones; it’s very well done … but it feels like it was designed for some other game, and the devs just copied it in.

Maldraxxus, oddly enough, is the only one that feels a bit like it could be a WoW zone. Not a pleasant WoW zone, obviously, but one where the Scourge has run wild.

I didn’t feel this way about Draenor, or even Argus. Argus was odd, and unpleasant, and just a facade, but it still did feel like WoW.
