Well the afterlive sucks.
It completely sucks.
I’m sure I’m not alone in this, but Shadowlands doesn’t have the same feeling as all the other expansions so far. There’s no “Warcraft” feel to it. I have talked and read other player’s opinions and I have to agree with them.
All the concepts of death we know about in Azeroth, aren’t present at all in the Shadowlands. Even better, the Shadowlands is literally a 2nd form of life, but this time you’re handpicked and put into a camp the jury feels like you belong into.
That’s just sad.
Orc ancestors and shamanism, Tauren Spiritwalkers, Troll voodoo and Bwonsamdi, the Humans and Dwarves with the Light. The Night Elves with Elune.
Different races, with different philosophies about death.
And these concepts are barely shown, if not at all, and replaced with something new.
But also, it is very hard to relate to any of the characters in Shadowlands at all.
And some are even straight up bizarre.
Take Draka for example.
The very reason she went to the Shadowlands was because she was fighting tooth and nail, despite not being a warrior, to protect her son and to fight and die alongside her husband she loved.
But this Draka, now suddenly just accepted her role. If she had such a warrior spirit, wouldn’t she be fighting tooth and nail and try to find out what the hell she just got transported to?
It’s so bizarre that we’re told that Draka is such a powerful warrior and all… but I really don’t believe it.
It doesn’t line up at all.
Fighting and giving your life for your son, dying alongside your husband, only for that to wipe that all of the table, accept your role and never even question, or try to find out what happened to your husband and Thrall.
I’m sorry, but Draka isn’t portrayed as a warrior to me.
She’s portrayed as a terrible spouse and a negligent towards her child, which makes her a bad mother imo.
And even that, what’s more bizzare is how no one questions what is going on.
You’re literally handpicked to fit and fight inside one of the 4 harry potter houses, and no one questions why and how, or where the HELL they just appeared into?
Alexandros Mograine, stabbed by his own son, saw a kingdom burn to ashes.
Completely disinterested towards the affaires on Azeroth.
It doesn’t care him one bit.
See this is the problem I have with Shadowlands and why the characters SUCK and aren’t relateable.
When you die, all your problems on Azeroth just, well, they don’t matter anymore.
So either we’ve been getting told a lie about honoring our ancestors, our heroes, our kings and queens, our legends, etc.
Those kings, those legends, those ancestors we look up to, they actually never cared.
I find it really hard to relate, and it’s almost depressing.
Why exactly should I fight and care about something in Azeroth, when all that’s left in death is just another system where you supposedly stop giving a damn about the affairs you literally gave your life for?
It’s straight up the most strangest thing I have ever seen.