5v5 mate - it will be third bracket and it will allow weaker specs to work being covered by better ones.
Okay thats actually good idea
gonna kill everything solo queuers defend.
1st myth : it’s faster.
No it’s not, since you will have filters for specs, it takes the same amount of time as looking for those players in LFG. If the player is looking to solo queue he is currently in LFG doing the same exact thing. What it removes is the social interaction, which is a bad thing and actually promotes to more toxicity.
2nd myth: people would be less toxic.
And i answer with a question, would the people that are toxic in LFG just magicly disappear? Solo queue would at best, be a vessel for even more toxicity in the pvp community.
And that is solo queue for you?
Solo queue is so stupid and solo queuer’s defenders are so limited that is laughable.
What we need is a better LFG and skirmish system that allows you to do this:
And that quote is laughable because if you are the leader you can do that yourself? LOL.
Use skirmish as an example and how miserable it is in both 2v2 and 3v3 and that is solo queue for you.
You would have 40 secs to discuss strats. hf
Untill you keep playing, sub and complaint nothing change. Trust me. Mostly they think thats a promote by few players and after few month players adapt and all this stopped. And they no needed to start work on something relevant for PvP. Idk what can forced they to start even thinking on a srs note about yolo q. Ofc many players want it, but tho they just don’t care. So many years community asking for yolo q, years!..
Just don’t join in solo rated and your problem is solved what about us we want to join …
1v1 without healing would be interesting
We had 5v5 arena in the past…
And they closed the bracket…
interesting, anyone not sharing your opinion is “limited”
You are more than welcome to make your own group,which is going to take faster than solo queue,because you get other 9 people in 2 minutes.
Bu nope.Its much easier to queue rated solo,and pray that people on your team have trinkets,enchants,gems,proper pvp builds and pray you don’t get arcane mages,mw monks,resto druids,fury warriors etc…
You want solo rated queue because you are expecting to get carried.
At least you won’t encounter 40k+ HP boosters in 1300.
have you people that oppose solo queue considered the following, and this is some groundbreaking idea:
ignore it?!
just like you ignore other stuff in wow you’re not interested in, e. g. pve, pet battles or whatever it may be?
I mean we ain’t talking about replacing 2v2 or 3v3 but make it work as a supplement so you actually have to do something when nobody of your mates is around instead of playing city tour guide simulator: oribos edition
If you make a group with no cr requirement, there it is your soloque, you’ll get slapped though everymatch.
You hide your PVP ratings, I can guarantee my rating is higher than yours and I support solo queue. Even for people over 2k CR the wait time in LFG is beyond a joke. I can launch COD and be playing a game within 1-2 minutes, in WoW I have to spend 40 mins in LFG for 3 games then someone has to go afk or you get bursted by RMP and they alt+f4 then you have to start the process over.
Rayed 1v1 would be amazing, but than its not fair for healers, gone are the days when healers could actualy beat some classes.
Got in mind resto shaman tbc, disc priest a few expansions.
Ehat if a player wants to que as a healer?
Speak for yourself troll, only1 actually getting boosted/wanting boost is you. thats why u want only brackets that exists to be party brackets, so u can get boosted in seasons to come! People asking for soloQ to get boosted? do u have any brains what so ever?
People want to be matched with people of similar skill. The rating system will converge to you true rating only if you can play a lot of games (law of large number).
If you spend 2 hours each time to find people of you skill/rating to queue with, your rating will never truly reflect your abilities.
Give us soloque.
I honestly don’t understand why they don’t have 1v1 queues… Sure it would be really horrible and imbalanced for some classes and when healers/tanks end up fighting healers/tanks it might end up in who DCs first rather than who wins… but still xD it would be fun for some cosmetic rewards or stupid titles… or just honor or even conquest points. As long as they don’t reward the same stuff as they do for 2v2, 3v3 n rbgs it’s fine if it’s just there as a gimmick for bored people that want to grind out some title or leaderboard for some prestigious reasons or what not.
This game crys for content where those low skill meta setups wont be thing in evry game, and to system which not consume half of your playtime forming a group.
It’s not competitive enough, although that oculd be fun