I see more and more people asking for PVP Solo Queue feature... I'm asking for it too and you should too!

Dear Blizz, I’m your casual player that plays the game for fun and supports it. I’m not even a good PVP-er but I enjoy playing mostly because matches duration is very short. But guess what is not short? You guessed it: finding other players to play with.
It’s not just taking too long to find other players to play with but it’s also an annoying process:

  • if I’m making a group I have to open my browser and search for players that want to join me to check their rating, (lesson i’ve learned on my own) or use an addon (which doesen’t always work)
  • if my teammate didn’t like my gameplay during our first match together they might leave (which will happen everytime if they have high XP but low CR) and I have to restart the process
  • I can’t customize the requirements for players to join, like current rating, class, spec etc.

It doesen’t take too long for a low ratet player like me to find other players, but waiting 10-30 minutes is a pain and it makes me not want to play anymore.
Puting a button for solo queue will bring up new people saying things like “i always match with worst comp agains best comp” or “opponents are always a premade”, but I’m pretty sure a good system will make it so they won’t.
I would love to play more RBGS too but it’s a bigger pain that arenas to form groups because of the requirments leaders have.
I did tried to make my own groups but it’s such a big time investment to make.
I love PVP action soo much and I think it has such a big potential in WoW.
Please add this button and make it so you matchup against same skilled players like you that solo queue too.
PS: sorry for my “post writing abilities” but I almost never do it and this is the first post on WoW forums, made with love for the game and its PvP part


I’m not against solo queue but as long as balance is this atrocious it will never work


Even so, we’ll actually get to PLAY the game. I’m on the edge of quitting cause I spend 60% of my game time in LFG.

We’re not 15 anymore Blizz, our time is little and precious!



Only reason people ask for solo rated queue is with expectations to get carried.

Happens in every other game with solo queue.

‘’ but I’m pretty sure a good system will make it so they won’t’‘’

You are sure about things you have no f clue about.

Spending 60% of time in lfg is much better than spending 4 hours in rbg’s playing with afk people,people who don’t listen,people without pvp trinkets,people who do not want to do teamwork,people who play pve specs,which are horrible in pvp,or playing pvp specs that do not work.


Sounds horrible queuing with random people every game and having no voice chat.

Just queue arena skirmish instead.

Bad idea is bad!


Yeah that would probably be bad. But I’m guessing those people would stay at low mmr so you won’t have to put up with them for long. Plus you can expect the same behavior from the people on the opposite team.

Nonetheless, implementing solo queue doesn’t mean you have to give up your premades, it just offers a way for people to play that don’t actually have the time to participate in them.

I have a small window of play time every day, and I’d much rather spend playing BGs/Arenas than looking at the LFG window, even with those issues you mentioned

What are the reasons you believe that? Here a simple math formula:
play bad = - rating
play good = + rating
This works in every other game.
Do you want to only play with your party/friends? You play versus another party.

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I definitely think you can make solo queue work in Rated Battlegrounds. And I also think it could work in 3v3 if the playerbase is willing to accept less control and more randomness in terms of the circumstances of their Arena games. it’s a matter of expectations.

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we need soloQ, the amount of boosting currently going on, soloque rating is going to be the only real way to measure someone’s skill level

That’s for people with lots of time to spend in game. There are people (like me) that would not have so much time to spend.

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We want solo queue!!!


I’ve seen lots of people asking for solo que but what exactly is it? Like what would it do? Like rated skirm?


Hell to the no! Never add solo que to a rating based game mode , just look at skirmish and see how fun that is…
This isnt COD , if you dont want to wait in LFG i suggest you find a stable partner or a pvp guild that focus on arenas!

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Uhm… To all of you trying to rely on the argument that “it takes less time” and that’d somehow justify any and all problems it brings:

One of the main problems with the group finder is that people keep using it to find groups every time they play. The solution to that is to aim to use it as little as possible, and to get people to play with you regularly so you never need to use it again.

If you agree on a predetermined time to play with predetermined people, then there’s 0 waiting time. You just log on at the scheduled time, and instantly group up to jump into arenas, and thus the problem of time is solved.

That’s a way to encourage people to play together regularly on a macro scale.


Rated 1v1 with own titles and rewards would be the only good addition to the game.


Solo queue would be an incredible addition to the game. It would just have to be implemented correctly, which honestly isn’t very difficult:

  • 3v3 format. One healer, two dps. I’d argue tanks shouldn’t be allowed but the next point would more or less fix that anyway.
  • Seperate rating/MMR/matching from regular arena. This means you do not get to complain about your teammates anymore; they did after all manage to solo queue to the same MMR as you. Same as in other competitive games with solo queue (bar the ones where boosting is a possibility, but even then it’s a rarity and often used as an excuse).
  • No premades, no requeueing together, pure solo queue.

Yes, you’ll sometimes get a setup that doesn’t really seem to work. Yes, the opponent can get RMP or something along those lines. But with no communication and practice, individual play is far more important than setup.

The biggest issue with the addition of a solo queue would be that the playerbase gets split up, since it’d be taking away people from regular ranked arena. But honestly, most of the people unhappy enough with regular arena to go (exclusively) solo queue would otherwise just quit entirely.

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Nobody in LoL or Dota reach GM/challenger through carry. And we’re talking about 5people which makes having a weak link easier to compensate.
Besides your point’s logic is very weak. If everyone asking this in order to get carried, then it even the odds right ? Even if only 33% of playerbase wants to get carried through it it makes things even in medium/ long run. Which means you don’t get carried at all. You’ll have to prove that only 30% or less of playerbase use this to get carried, then we may start to consider it as a boosting engine.
Until then your point makes 0 sense when confronted to logic.
About soloQ though I’m not sure. I remember on AT when they implemented it it was a clown fiesta and stimulated people best nerdrage I’ve ever seen. It’s very hard to implement such a feature in an mmorpg where you don’t have any drafts. It would require you to be able to ban specific specs but then it creates a game strategy where you ban the one spec that has possibility to counter you. Mmorpg lack champion diversity to enable soloQ I think.

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2v2 and 3v3 solo queue will never work but 5v5 would be awsome. Format 3 dsp - 2 healers or 1 tank, 2 dps and 2 healers.

It will allow less represented specs to have any form of PvP experience because they might be covered by stronger ones. In 5v5s comp isn’t also as important. You will be able to queue as 2-3 with your lower rated friends. You can play it even if your friends aren’t online because you can queue alone and it’s a good source of conquest points for new chars. New players would also find it easier to get into because more specs will be viable. I don’t understand why no one thought about it yet.


Actually before they make skirmish clown fiesta 2v2 was decent with healers being able to que…nice to warm up before rated.

I think 2v2 can work to some while 3v3 is big NO. I like how people saying nobody cares about 2s but suddenly they care …

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