I suck at player vs player

You Can Always Find People On The Same Boat… Theres Alot Of People On The Warcraft Universe in The Same Shoes As You, Perhaps Find someone starting off doing things, then dwell deeper and improve , 2 birds with 1 stone , made a friend and a good strong bond you be unstoppable! :smiley:


You will find it easier to learn classes you actually find interesting. You get nothing out of picking an easy class… Also you got a rogue, if you are assassination that might be why you are bored. Sublety ftw!

Bro sub is like a support class lol. Only good for cc. Also that backstab and shadowstrike spam is really boring. Feels like hitting brick walls with your daggers rather than stabbing people. Idk maybe my combo is bad.

watch high rated rogues and their guides for burst.check the macros they provide and copy them in your character.join bgs and practise those macros.
play assa rogue and find a mage that doesnt mind losing.practise with him first in 2s then 3s with a healer.in 2 seasons youll be a star

You just don’t understand sublety… Rogues are not warriors. Backstab spam? Are you srs?

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Sin rogue not true at all, ww monk not true either, and lmao at suggesting ele, you are out of you mind.

What do you do when shadow dance is off?

Reduce its cd with eviscerates or just go back and reset.

Fury warrior, by far the best and easiest answer to this post. It still requires the pvp basics such as lining, proper interrupts and peeling but class-wise, damn that class is easy as hell.
Facing a fury at 2.4 is the same as a fury at 1.6. The only difference is the skill of the healer and possible the fury’s ilvl. Because yeah, all a fury really has is charge, 3 dmg buttons, an instant ranged stun and a fear…

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