I think have a learning disability

No matter how much Blizzard messes up, I never seem to fully recognize it right away. But now, I’m just so exhausted. Completely drained.

This whole experiment has been a disaster. From the very beginning, the cracks were obvious, yet no lessons were learned. And now, this megaserver drama is the final nail in the coffin.

I’m tired of waiting in queue for the millionth time in this recycled game to join a raid that’s supposed to start in 10 minutes, alongside seven other guildies. I’m tired of Blizzard’s blatant laziness and ignorance in design. I’m tired of the lies and the incompetence of devs who can’t think beyond P1.

At this point, there’s no reason to continue. This isn’t Classic+. This isn’t the miracle we all believed it would be back in P1. It’s just more bait. How is it that basement dwellers with a worn PC and a functioning brain can create original and in theme content for WoW but Blizzard can’t? How is every wrong decision is being constantly made?

For every W Blizzard has had since SoD launched, there have been ten massive Ls. I’m tired of the game doing the exact opposite of what’s right. Every. Single. Time.

Where’s the Kara raid? Where’s the SM content? These weren’t “hints” at Blizzcon they were intentional teases, bait meant to keep us hooked. It wasn’t a datamine or some fan conspiracy. It was deliberate manipulation. They showed it because they wanted you talking, because they knew you’d stick around for that Kara raid, for that new SM content. But we got nothing because it’s “too hard”. Just more recycled content that we did a million times already with some extra skills from retail. Meanwhile the greedy devs who spent months leaving us to slog through P3, dwindling our numbers, killing all hype for the game just so we could do MC again. They get a pile of cash and a good laugh when they see us run around in circles whilst our sub is about to get renewed.

This is the final straw. I genuinely can’t take this deceitful, downright malicious behavior anymore.


We all have the same disability.

See you in BWL ZG :saluting_face:

sad but true, i unsubbed aswell for similar matters.
Partially i feel the so called “community” is to blame for their elitism about reheated content, but it is blatantly clear that blizzard doesn’t have that spark of life in them anymore.
there’s no genuine try to give us new, thought out content, only badly adjusted, rushed slop to keep the subscriptions going.
And even going the easy route of focusing on PvP in a game called “WARcraft” they utterly missed aswell - Every game nowadays offers a better PvP loop than WoW, which is really abysmal, since the PvP could actually be very interesting and engaging in this environment.

Couldn’t agree more, if any of us blundered this hard at work, we’d be fired or the project would be shut down.

This experiment has been deplorable to its core, and I would be absolutely ashamed to have my name tied to it.

Ironically things were feeling less horrendous for awhile, and then they broke the trust, respect and will of their entire community in a few hours with some of the worst decision making I’ve ever seen.

This server transfer nonsense has been the final nail in the coffin for many of our players and has killed a thriving server with no issues, overnight.

Best part, they aren’t communicating at all on this forum.

Absolutely disgraceful.