I think it's time you ditch Ashran

As the title says, I think it’s time you ditch this BG.

It’s very very laggy, it’s horrible and is definitely not a fun BG to participate in. AV has always been a superb BG, I’m happy with doing that, and Conquest n such but Ashran… It’s worse than Wintergrasp, both as equally as laggy.

Please, get rid of Ashran.


Yeah. Im constantly getting ashran in random epics and oh my god this is just a lagfest literally unenjoyable.

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I have no lag now since we got rid off that azerite crap


Seething Shores is good to go, Ashran can stay.

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I very like Ashran, it’s the closest thing to a good old team slayer. Unlike other bgs, there is almost no objectives to do except coordinated fights. I really like it.

Still better then this BFA nonsense with mining azerite.

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Although it would be nice that Blizz developed atleast three different types of BGs with a shadowlands theme to it. One capture the flag, One domination (like AB) and one epic perhaps for 25 vs 25?

Ashran is kinda fun for me.
People don’t do the objectives beside the oggre King.
Its Just rush tower, go back and strike again.

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