I think there will be backlash against this new pvp gearing system

It will feel good at first getting max gear quickly and not having to upgrade it, but over time it means there’s no reward to keep playing and increase rank. It means the casual stuck at 1200 cr who plays 2 hours a week will have the same gear as the elite gladiator playing 8 hours a day. Just like in pve the progression has a big effect on motivating people.


nah in the past i would rather dont play at all instead of playing chars that have a huge gear disadvantage.


Your absolutely wrong…

People will play more alts because they are able to easily gear up and enjoy MORE aspects of PVP as opposed to feeling forced into FOTM specs in order to compete by getting easier rating


People will push rating for their dopamine hit, not for gear


I think there will be backlash from timegating the catalyst, possibly forcing grinding other currencies to craft tier gear, and the impact of still keeping a gear difference with how tier sets can’t be obtained all at once vs. those who got their set bonuses.


Wrong, I’ll play this Expac just for this gearing system.


The “reward” to keep playing is having fun with the Game from the get go. Literally anyone that will play more than one char, and even those that just play one, will vastly prefer this system. Legion spoke for itself, the only issue was not being able to choose the stats you want.

I legit could make a new DH and instantly jump into Arena in Legion. And thats how the System should be.


it’s one of the best things to happen to pvp for ages


Why do you keep posting the same thread over and over again?


Probably he is the only guy who enjoyed SL tier upgrade system and can’t let it go.


Why do people play Overwatch, even without getting gear upgrades? Or LoL? Or CS?

PvP is different from PvE and the devs have realized it. And we already had expansions with such a system and the participation in total was way higher than in Shadowlands.


PLay pvp cause you like it, not because you get a “reward” every 200 rating. Btw having to upgrade your gear is not a reward.


Hey look, another dumb Vinzora thread. Nothing to see here folks, move along.


huh, what do u mean no reward?

upgrading gear was the reward of PvPing?
the reward of PvPing is winning games, gaining rating and such…

why would u want a system where even though you might be better or have played better… u’ll still get dicked on cause of gear difference?

this might be a backlash for people who purely enjoyed pvping with huge gear advantage stomping low geared people, any actual pvp enjoyer would agree having equal gear is the best, gear has never been the reward of pvping, it is all about getting better, winning games and such.


Dragonflight’s gearing system is a PvP’ers and a casual’s wet dream.

Only people who are against the removal of rating locked gear upgrades are people whose enjoyment came from killing low geared players.

‘But character progression!!’ Yeah, right.


Gearing has never been better. It’s extremely alt-friendly and doesn’t feel like a choire. You only have to suffer through a few BGs ungeared, which doesn’t frustrate as much as it did in the past. Not a single person I know has complained so far and we’re far from ‘casual player’. Me myself coming back from a 10y~ish pause with short on off times, the game feels better than ever.


In MOP Pvp gear ilvl was fix, and it was great, no more boosters selling rating so people can upgrade gear. You do pvp to enjoy pvp, not to increase ilvl on your gear, and certainly no boosters on 1.2k bracket 1shotting everyone due to massive ilvl difference.


I mean, it’s not like boosters weren’t a thing, and while it didn’t really pick up pace until WoD, there was still boosters selling conq caps in MoP. :laughing:

But people shouldn’t buy into Ion’s sales talk all too much, there will still be gear differences. They just won’t be as obvious as in SL, although someone with set bonuses vs. someone without will still stand out more for some than for others.

Another thing if we go by the Cata, MoP and WoD expansions, is that ratings below 1.5k almost always got people without full conq gear.
It’s probably going to be lower ratings than that in Dragonflight due to PvP participation differences, but there’ll still be a rating range at the bottom where people will be playing to gear up while facing people who are really bad at PvP.

And then of course the tier sets, they’re repeating the same mistakes as the start of SL s3. Although it became better after 2 months, with 4-sets becoming much more common for PvPers, and it stayed like that in SL s4 due to how we had the same tier sets just being upgraded to SL s4 gear.
But it’s not a guarantee it’ll become that smooth just by waiting in Dragonflight. If they do different tier sets every season, or every 2 seasons, while changing nothing else, then we’ll keep repeating this timegate for set bonuses over and over again.
And keep in mind that while the season starts December 14th in EU, the catalyst won’t become available for use until 6 weeks after that (so essentially 2 months from now), and then it might be timegated with “energy” as the SL catalyst required, and/or requiring currencies which you might not be able to get from PvP.
Time will tell how they decide to go with that, I suppose. Unless they’ve already announced the specifics of the catalyst somewhere, haven’t been checking regularly and cba to check now.

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The entire point of people wanting this WoD type of gearing back so the game gets out of their way quickly so they can just play PvP, the part of the game they like.

Grinding gear for weeks is not enjoyable at all, it basically means you are not on a competitive level in any rated PvP until you finally catch up with everyone. Only then are you allowed to actually play the game properly without being handicapped in some way.

Most people who play Arena, RBGs or even casual BG’s don’t want the progression of grinding thousands of honour to upgrade gear, they want to just play the game without feeling handicapped vs other people that have been grinding for weeks. I can’t speak for everyone with this; But PvP should be 20% gear 80% skill, not like what you saw in Shadowlands where it was the other way around.


You mean except for PvE ilvl from ranks (albeit the gear won’t be great for world PvP, due to that having its own gear because of some BigHead genius who thought that needed its own grind), the mogs you get from upgrading stuff to duelist, the titles, the tabard (who tf wants the cloak mogs anyway), the rating carrying meaning on its own (especially for the group finder, the ability to say you’ve got X exp is valued pretty high in many cases), and the general progression being reflected in rating numbers going up, up and up as you get better?

There’s also glad rewards in the normal ladder, and both shuffle and normal ladder having their own r1 titles.

But yeah, other than that, no reason whatsoever to play. Only reason people ever did rated PvP was obviously for the ilvls, nobody ever PvPed after they were fully geared. :man_facepalming: :person_facepalming:

(Although DF s1 won’t have the enchant illusion, cloak and tabard until later on in the season due to Blizzard messing up the implementation of it. People won’t even see them in their in-game “wardrobe” amongst the stuff they haven’t collected yet, until later when Blizzard implements them and gives 'em out retroactively to players who earned 'em before that.
inb4 the people that’ll complain and come to the forum, asking why they haven’t received the enchant illusion by hitting 2.1k once DF s1 has started. Blizzard really needs to work on their communication.)