I thought they buffed pets (pvp)

Dies in seconds still, well at least in bgs.

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It’s was 20% damage reduction.

It only changed a 4 shot to a 5 shot. Was a handwave buff to keep us quiet.

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I guess MM is still the way to go :sob:

My pet dosnt die much in bg… I always use mend pet eveytime i send my pet and when it drops to 80%…most ppl ignore them.

Yeah, my experience is similar, doesn’t die that often, I have a macro with /petattack, plus a few other things, on my Kill Command, so when I send my pet it sticks to the target, sometimes idk where the f my pet is amidst the chaos (mostly in epic bgs) and when I notice my pet is somewhere quite far running after some dude (which I find kinda funny, vicious little guy), and people mostly ignore it so yeah.

But that’s for BGs ofc, and it still sucks when it dies and you have to stay still for 4 secs to ress it.

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