I tried a different frost PvE build and

And it works. Somehow. I don’t know how but my dps was pretty much the same as usual. No one complained in my several M+ runs. Heck, in Brackenhide I was top dps in my same-ilvl group.

The string is this

Basically, I thought - if we have problems with Icy veins uptime then… why wouldn’t we just remove all the clunky talents and go left instead.
It’s silly but I could top dps on some packs by shattering comet storm and having 2 frozen orbs lol
I probably wouldn’t advise to switch to this build but it seems acceptably viable :smiley:

I dont think so bro, it could be good, but the current talents do not allow it. Cold Front is just too slow, especially without slick ice. I like the idea, but there are big problems with this. The current ‘‘Meta’’ build is just to op, and every op choice in the middle right now. I tried this to, it could work if Fracturated Frost’s bonus frostbolts generates icicles, but they not. Maybe with insane amount of haste, but even then you would need the slick ice, which does not fit in. Let’s trust that in 10.1.5 we will get a meaningful talent tree that can fit several options, i dont really like the current eather. Switch 2 talent places Coment Storm with Ray of frost xD and we can use it, +add Glacial Fragmants and frost mage will be fine and fun i guess.

There are some fundamental/nonsens problems whith the frost mage right now i think. Just think about it, our AOE, we can make crazy aoe on MDI lvl big pulls, but its not managable always, if u die in any random **** the punishment is too big, your cds gone, cuz of the missed uptime. Icy Propulsion was much better in shadowlands when it worked with aoe crits too.

Bro I tested it in 16+ mythic pluses. It works xD

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