I tried to se a point in this but Blizzard.. Shadow pvp has some serious issues

not worth it play holy its better. shadow sucks

pvp shadow is dead.


i’ve just tried doing a few solo’s on my SP, and i got utterly destroyed, first game was boomie / ele / warr / resto sham / disc + me … second was ret / warr fire mage / resto druid / MW monk + me … now from a DPS perspective, i am the ONLY one that has to cast spells, so every interupt / micro CC is aimed at me 24/7, i have no way to play the game, and by the time i spend 2 minutes trying to juke and getting kicked, or get a precog only to then have to spend in in disperse coz im getting uber fisted by mongoloid melee, or having to sit double grounding totems … just … ugh … i think im pretty much done, im seriously at the end of my tether with lack of blizzards common sense and testing of this poop show, they remove instants coz they say there are too many instant casts in the game … yet boomie / fire mage ??? too much CC in the game, yet sub rogue ??? combine those classes together aaaaaand ??? lets not even start with fury and DH … bring on cata / MOP classic k thx, even wod ffs, coz this game is now garbage from a pvp stand point, the writings on the wall, all the long time wow players now streamers have all got something to say about it, yet nothing ever gets done, coz they are clueless on how to make this game work, balance has never been perfect, but my god, its never been as bad as the last 3 expansions … its just sad

Its legion mechanics they cant go past the borderline personality of needing Shadow to be legion hope that they wake up from the coma and fix DA and removes PI make mass dispell instant cast cost no mana

now nerfed to kingdom come


there is not a point the devs are blind.

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their design this season is stupid.

SP is s tier in PvP idk what you guys are on about

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Priest forum is just a circle jerk of 2 barely coherent people rehashing the same whines for the past 2/3 years.

Don’t take what they say seriously (nobody does), just use it as entertainment.


These sets on reworks are boring unfinished legion copied paste they don’t even rework the class outside of m 20+ keys.


every melee set up ever.

they can eat a toilet brush :stuck_out_tongue:

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They should try to fix this fiesta this expack has made it like a clunk fiesta.

It feels like that void bolt and halo being GCD so bad. And Dps CDS being cast timers even in pvp and pve and open world lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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I gave up my demo lock for spriest 2 weeks ago. Got it to 70, level 424. Bought 120 bucks of tokens for crafted gear, gems, enchants, consumes, lariat, etc…

Then read these changes this morning. Senseless, illogical changes like this make me wonder if the Devs have some sort of repressed anger and just want to take out all of that on the player base.

This is definitely a melee xpac. AoE, handling movement and boss/trash mechs… hit a few buttons and go brrrrrrt in m+. But hey, lets nerf the spriest aoe that’s already getting “easily” beaten by pally and dk… :roll_eyes:

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I mained demo until I got annoyed with all the hard casts being interrupted by double movement affixes, layers over the top of boss and trash movement affixes.

I was running’ 20’s on my lock but currently doing 11-16s on my spriest. On normal Aberrus getting mostly orange ilvl parses.

Still, in m+, in that 11-16 range, certain melee classes can just follow a kiting tank, or one that switches direction on a dime for good reason (or not), and pull 80-100k on every pull.

Me: a pack gets pulled out of a long shadow crash, or away from me while hard casting… I’m pulling 50-60k dps in that scenario (comparable item levels to the melee).

Blizz: lEt’S nErF sPrIeSt aOe.


Spriest was actually a pleasant change from demo lock. Now I wake up this morning and read this. Tyrone Biggums must be the lead spriest dev.

This is a fact warriors should be able to needlessly and monks too for that matters just endless cleave without any remorse. Ret paladin plays better than shadow has since wod.

They have destroyed the specc totally only good change was removing the god awful shadow form somewhat not all totally.

can’t win join the melee meta with unbalanced healers melee meta doing more than casters healers in dps. :stuck_out_tongue:

feels bad man.