I want to be a wow player again

I started playing wow in early TBC and I played it like a maniac till early Cata. I tried gettin back into the game 3 times during BFA but I simply feel overwhelmed by what the game has become. The scaling stuff is bull**** and recently I saw a video where adding sockets to your gear actually make you weaker. I simply do not understand anything. What is the purpose of gear now? I also don t understand why you have to add talents to your items (azerite gear) instead of having those as normal talents? How many talents are in the game right now? Also I don t understand why there are random stats on the same item? How do I know when I get a best in slot? And if I have that best in slot am I actually better or weaker taking scaling into account?

And also, can I unequip all of my items and let the scaling do the job? Can I do arenas naked and have good chances of winning?

I love the game, but it seems so hard to get back on track, how do new players even cope with all of these systems where I, an old player with hundreds of days played don t understand any of it?

The only thing that I can actually do without going insane over the complexity is to farm mounts which is basically single player, sad af.

It’s because this way you’re forced to grind 24/7 and you’re not allowed to leave the game.

Don’t worry about it. Just play the game. It will all sit in time. Or it won’t and SL will release.

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Two main problems with WoW in my view.

1 the ridiculous amount of systems on top of systems. Azerite, conduits etc… why they just don’t keep things simple with one deep, engaging and fun talent tree and then just gear I dont know. It worked in Wrath it would work now.

2 far too much dev focus on esports, mythic + and high end content that the majority of players probably won’t even play.


No, it’s because Blizz has burned themselves too much before, and now know they have to be careful when they give players stuff. They know, when you give players something you can’t take it away.

They gave us flying, now they want to take it back. They gave us the ability to respec anywhere, now they want to take it back. They gave every character the ability to battle res, now they’re taking it back. All of those have come with severe amounts of forum drama.

So they can’t just give us new talents, because that would make azerite traits a permanent addition of the game, one that has to go on in Shadowlands. And this is what Blizz is wary of - they don’t want to give any more things. And I kinda understand them, because I think they’ve given too much. When they contextualize things properly, they can then take them away, and nobody will make a fuss.

I hate the current talent system, I hate the fact that between level 100 and level 120 your character doesn’t progress at all. I hate the fact that for 4 expansions now you will have to play the same character. It’s sad. But also that’s how it has to be. Blizz don’t want to burn themselves again, so they’ve decided every new expansion will be a clean slate.

I hope they limit tome of the tranquil mind to level 50.

If every expansion is a clean state you lose the progressive aspect of the game imo. As I leveled my char I went through some old systems and those are not relevant anymore for example garrisons/or the stuff with the legendary weapon in Legion. I went through these systems and the only feeling I had after finishing that specific expac was relief because I don t have to interact with it anymore. These systems simply feel like a burden :frowning:

Absolutely. You know, I kinda want Blizz to adopt a more… expansive and multiplicative view of the game. For example, why were garrisons killed? In my opinion, they should’ve been kept going through Legion and BFA, with improvements. Then you have artifact weapons, which are an expansion to the garrison system, maybe you build your class hall inside the garrison. And in BFA, you keep both the garrison and artifact weapons and there’s a new system in place existing on the side of these.

This has the obvious problem of the content you HAVE TO CLEAR before you can do the current expansion always expanding, but even that can be addressed by designing the core story to be very tight, with zero filler quests, and then having more side stories and quests. That way new players and alts will be able to breeze through the content they have to do and old players won’t be amassing a pile of great accomplishments left in the dust. In Draenor, you’re a commander, and in Legion that’s all but forgotten.


They’re really not that complicated lol

Near the end of an expansion is not really the time to ‘try and go do it all’, imo.
Just farm stuff and start ‘for real’ in Shadowlands.

They re not complicated if you look at it from a very narrowed perspective. Yes, I understand that if I choose the x azerite trait then my y spell is gonna improve. The complexity comes from how all of these stuff interact with eachother and the huge number of things you need to know in order for you to actually be decent at the game.

The same purpose as always, it just have some extras to it :slight_smile:

No, if you unequip you need to plan how to attack. The normal rotation won’t work here.

If the other part goes naked I believe you have a chance to win depending on your skills.

Now now, don’t rip out your hair :hugs:

This is good you came to this place, because this could be were things turn for the better.
Here are some places were you can reach out and others reach out to you, a lot of these are friendly, so in time things will makes sense :wink:

But as mentioned by another dweller, wait to really get into things when Shadowlands starts, everything will be turned upside down anyway :smile:


Don’t! You’re free of its grasping tendrils, hooked to your veins atm…!

I put so little effort into the game and I’m apparently way above average :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It’s not that deep really

It isn’t, but in order to realise that you have to play the game a lot. For a new player I can imagine thinking “am I doing something wrong, what if I pick this and it affects me bigtime later on”. Same with gearing. I know that’s what I’ve been like in other MMO’s through the past years.

The entire system isn’t newplayer friendly.

Maybe it’s different for the different classes? I know for a warrior you really don’t have choices when it comes to azerite traits. Every piece has maybe 2 options for you, and of them one is the objectively good one. I’m not even sure if you need to understand how the game works in order to pick the right traits as a warrior.

I mean Warrior is kinda a different ting, considering your azerite traits are able to change ur stat priority as fury.

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