I’m on Defias Brotherhood and at the moment warmode is dominated by alliance. It’s not possiuble to kill rares or get the parachute drops.
I like playing with WM on because it adds a sense of threat and excitement to the game. But I hate that i have to turn WM off to be able to kill rares, or complete an elite world quest.
I want to play WM on all the time and still being able to do all the content. I don’t mind being ganked, either. Trust me when I say it’s impossible I mean it’s impossible ; I’ve seen 10 to 1 A:H ratios here.
I just don’t know how to improve this. I thought about changing realm (and investigating which realms have more balanced wpvp), but I really like my guild - so I’m guessing that’s a non starter?
Are there any other options?
Edit: I have level 70s, dunno why my random alt was used XD
I’ve managed to create groups a few times to keep WM on and say, kill an elite for an elite WQ. But a lot of the time, because I can only have 5 people in the group, it isn’t enough. There’s a lot of swarming.
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On topic: The Warmode feature that removed PvP realms changed Defias from an RP-PvP realm to a RP realm and sharded it with RP realms for Warmode. As RP is Alliance dominated, your only option is to join groups in other shards or change realm.
Yeah I’m alliance on defias and the imbalance is painful. Every war chest drop is like a class reunion. A horde showed up once and we didn’t even fight him, just waved and he shrugged. You’d think they’d straighten it out somehow, gets a bit tedious from the Ally side too although you do have to love the free chest drops. I’d miss those.
I figured it was boring/frustrating for you guys, too (for different reasons) - but yeah grats on the free loot at least! Can’t believe blizzard won’t do anything. I can think of at least 5 (easy) ways to fix this, but given that they’re staying silent I suppose we’re left to assume they simply don’t care.
I don’t bother with the pvp chests. Love hunting the assassins though. Problem is that rp realms are connected and those are like 80% Alliance. Doubt blizz will do anything cause then they have to connect the realms to normal ones and that will result in rpers complaining about having to many non rpers lolling about.