I want to thank

All the poor souls that bought the Epic Edition in order to beta test the game 3 days earlier before the official release for everybody else.
Looking at the current state of WoW, the new expansion will surely have a lot of bugs, disconnects, things that won’t work and will be disabled from start, etc.
So thank you guys for paying extra to make sure the game will be as polished as it can be. You are truly heroes of Azeroth, sacrificing your initial launch experience reporting all the bugs so that the rest of us can have the best launch experience possible.


Feel free to express your gratitude in the form of a reasonably sized gold delivery via ingame mail. Much appreciated!


don´t feel sorry for people, you would spend all day on Steam if you did.

Sometimes when i close my eyes I can’t see.

That’s why we’re so different.
I got my eyeballs gouged out and my eye sockets infused with Fel and I can see perfectly fine.


We could have a super smooth experience but in light of all the current issues I am bracing myself for a possible bumpy ride.


Like that meme of the dog that says this is fine with the house on fire, but with fel fire!


The Dragonflight boat boss was one hell of a fight at the start of the expansion. Took multiple attempts to complete it. :rofl:


We had the same with the Zepellin, was comical and people were generally in good spirits. It was kind of great when they let us skip the flight and we could just instantly teleport to the isle xD

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Got it with gold so, really, I’m not losing anything of real value. Technically haven’t purchased it yet but the BNet balance is there. Going to take a couple weeks off, let the sub drop and then purchase about a week before since it includes 30 days game time as well.

I accept your thanks though.

Bugs, disconnects or downtime won’t bother me. Done this so many times with so many games. Just need to make sure you have something else lined up like another game or some movies in case it goes bad and you’ll be ok.

The three days won’t make a difference in terms of polish. Plenty of bugs that were reported in the beta and on the PTR didn’t get fixed before the pre-patch went live. My expectations are somewhat low, I think.

The reason I bought the edition with the early access is because my friends will be there. If that means we’ll spend three evenings sitting in the Discord and moaning about queues and disconnects, so be it. Still a social activity!


Lots of beta testers including top rated players are pretty much saying War Within isn’t ready. It’s Shadowlands all over again.

Given the technical state of the pre-patch, I have no reason to doubt their word.

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It’s true that we can’t possibly know for sure how the pre-launch and launch will be, but we can use our past experience to make an assumption.
And my inner fel demon tells me that it will be bad.

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Indeed, and I am a beta tester :wink:

I can live in hope. We will make the most of it no matter what state it launches in. On the other hand it may just be like the US patch day.

You have my seal of approval

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