I played classic, had no time for Wotlk, now when I have some time I see there is no Wotlk or TBC, there is only Cataclysm and Classic.
I am not interested in TBC or Wotlk servers - because those “worlds” can be found almost untouched even in Dragonflight.
I realize now that there would not have been much of a Classic movement requiring Classic servers, if the old world was still accesible in retail.
Millions of people had memories there, and suddenly the world was replaced, that was the main reason for people asking for Classic, not really the raiding or stuff like that. There would be a lot of requests for TBC or Wotlk servers, if those zones would not be available unchanged in retail.
So - find a way to add a “time portal” to the Classic world, and you will have me as a customer for the current expansion. Not sure if I would be interested in current content, just let the old world be there to visit.
Maybe even level in the old world as an alternative path with an achievement, don’t bother to modify current talents and abilities, just dont touch the quests and items. Add stuff if you want, do not modify what is there.
Classic Era servers are there specifically for your needs. Hop on and enjoy vanilla levelling!
Season of Discovery even has “new game plus” type of vanilla experience.
But I want old Talents, old world, old abilities, … AND to level Draenei and Belfs.
I never will play “Classic simulator” with new abilities and so on.
Yes, classic is there, it’s good it’s there, I played it, maybe I will play again.
But when I want to play retail, I don’t - mainly because the old world is not there.
That would be cool. Also cool would be the old world existing in retail, the same way TBC and Wotlk worlds exist, without the hassle of having separate abilities/talents in fact separate characters to access it, we already have that in Classic servers.