I will change for the alliance until Midnight

It seems Blizzard is off to remove the last edgier versions of Horde leaders for good with the Goblin patch so no one who enjoyed the game before Danuser left and kept us with the defanged version of the red team so far. Nothing will change. I realise that now. So I have to stay with the faction I know whom heroes are safe from any harm. Because their plot armor is unbreachable. From now on I will be alliance. my LFD is on his way to max as we speak and we might be able for some good RP since all Orc guilds on my server are dead.

King’s honor friend. May the light be with you today.


You brought dishonour and shame to your people.
Unlike you, I will keep fighting for honor, with or without any edgier leaders. This isn’t 2006.
The next time we meet, I hope its the Battlegrounds.

For the Horde.

Farewell, we won’t miss you.

But I also doubt you’ll actually change anyways. You bark, but do you bite? I doubt it. Otherwise, you would’ve done it now and not make a post about it, as if you’re waiting for someone to cry ‘Noo noo don’t join the alliance please come back.’
Don’t let the gates of Orgrimmar hit you on the way out.


Blizzard killed the Horde. There is no point in staying now. I go with the light. At least on the blue side of things I don’t have to be afraid to see my leaders deleted edgy or not.

Yeah… Because instead, you have Drama Queens.


And they are OP and own the scene. Something they would never do for the Horde.

Says the one who’s Leader is afraid to using the Light.


Fareeya is my leader. And she kicked alot of butt.


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OP magic, many fights, leads an elite force. So cool in every sense.

Boy are you gonna be in for a surprise.


But can they handle when their next foe ‘the WoW writters?’
Garrosh didn’t survive, Sylvannas is dead internally, and Tyrande hasn’t ever recovered since BFA.
Accept it.

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TRAITOR !!?#!!!

you found a human wife and she s pregnant.

Confess, filthy traitor :elf:

My Sunbringer’s royal guards and I ll hunt you and your half elves kiddos and wife.

Burn !

with your ashes we ll make petfood for vulperas

Selama Ashalanore


my disappointment is unmeasurable…

We have standards


if it ain’t bugs, we ain’t eating it.

Free food is free food

There’s always two kind of Vulpera :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


on behalf of all alliance , we kindly decline his association with us and kindly pass him back to The Horde, his previous act make him traitor and unworthy


on behalf of all Horde , we kindly decline his association with us and kindly pass him on to the Dreadlords, his previous act makes him a traitor and unworthy, with him changing his mind every 10 minutes, there is no trust in his word or even to believe him


Sorry love but the Alliance have to draw the line somewhere and this is coming from an Eredar!
Hordies, keep him!