I will change for the alliance until Midnight

Oh trust me I have enough connections on my server to make a decent life until Midnight.

No I mean you will get bored from not complaing and you have a major case of “grass beeing greener on the other side”. You won’t last a week beeing at peace.

See you in Januray when the patch comes around.

until some players start a plot again, especylly to the begin of undermine or siren island.

A week ago the currtet big plot in Hallowfall endet, which was a large event with over 280 players.

But i suppose such event/ (story) plots are also a thing on Moonguard and argent dawn, but bigger because the are more international.

No idea, I don’t RP. First time I’m hearing about big plot events. What I’m curious is, aren’t there any Horde dominated german RP servers he could join? Also does it need to be German, his english seems good.

So jumping to the winners, i dont really blame you alliance side really gets everything always but i can’t make the choice myself cause of my own dislike to things even if i have 6 or so alts on alliance. Plus i dont know anything about rp either

lore forum will be boring onesided mess after this

They are a few rp sever bust most of them are dead duo reason (tocix behavior by non role players or by role palyers too- or establish a sever council that dictates how you should rp`n in order to enforce their mindset, e.g. as a mage you have to be part of the magic sanctum or you are considered outlawed - which also speaks against the lore.
There were a few examples

Thus the reason many migrated to “Die Aldor” (The aldor) which is the last reamning pure RP seever - because the others were merged.

And there the majorty is allaince, horde is arround 30% of the population

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well that explains lot more then thanks

It is pointless to keep fighting at this point. Blizzard made clear who their favorites are and I am sick of watching Horde leaders used as raid bosses. This is the best solution.

Same but i learned many years ago already with wow that writing and playerbase is really alliance centric but still things are lot worse than i imagined back then now. in truth if midnight doesnt do anything to revilitliaze horde, im just gonna hop into classic at that point. Even changing to alliance and forcing myself to that perspective again wouldnt do it for me anymore in retail

Wtf are you talking about? Playerbase is majority Horde, they had to introduce cross faction because the Alliance was on life support, hell my previous server died because players were rerolling to Horde on other servers so they could raid.

Story wise up until DF, Blizzard was giving Horde all the story, as Alliance we just stood there and watched as the Horde story unwraped, but hey we got handed out victories at the end because we were good boys.

Reason for that was the racial talent’s being better for minmaxing at horde side.
It is actually quite small playerbase that care for the story itself

Storywisely im not agreeing a bit and ive been talking about it before manytimes

Sir, Sylvanas is not mr :dracthyr_a1:

Does it matter? The faction was barely playable. And I will give one better, since the start of Blizzacons the Alliance has been the tail end of jokes by the devs, to the point where they had a famous singer go on stage and call us the F slurr. I mean cmon “Alliance bias” indeed.

What are you not agreeing with? That we had 2 faction war expansions that we barely participared in, but were handed out the victories? The writters focused on the Horde story, you might not like the story you got but you had A story. “Oh but Legion had too many Alliance adjacent characters”.

Its almost 2025, there is no such things as male or female.

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You are right I bend a knee :dracthyr_a1:

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Such disingenuous remarks but meh im tired fighting about this thing its the samething all over again

Ok were did I lie?

We Had more alliance story then Horde story.

When was that?