I will miss you more than I'll miss the game


It’s a strong step but I hit that wall last night, I’m literally logging in, looking at a dead guild, doing dailies and switching off, paying for that beautiful privilege.

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Best of luck even though I think that these posts are a bit silly. :wink:

I can totally relate to this. If you happen to like pvp in wow, this expansion is not worth playing. And yes, since the start of Legion, I had more fun on the wow forums than actually playing retail. Have fun with other games Rompuche.


Da Spirits be with ya mon’. Bwonsamdi watch’ ove ya! Aye’ see ya in de Shadowlands’

PvP in WoW was always an afterthrought minigame with poor (if any) balance and execution. Let’s hope the OP finds an actual PvP game…

It was always really well executed actually, up until Legion, because class design was good.
People are never satisfied with balance.

Don’t worry, I’ve found it - I’ve always been playing SC2 as well.
It’s almost 50/50 balance there, yet people still complain.


But the game isnt about PVP, its about PVE, its been like that since legion. :heart:


Seriously? A game about faction war having pvp as a minigame?? Pvp used to be as much part of endgame as raiding…


Kind of sucks to be a PvP’er this expansion unfortunately.

At least azerite gear is in our favour this patch.


Warcraft 1 and 2 were about faction war. Since W3, it was only a poor distraction from world-ending threats.

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Fixed that for you. Whilst there has always been the option to PvP and the Alpha and Beta were based around it they dropped it being PvP only on release. I know I have always played on PvE realms and I have been playing since EU release…

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Noooooo. He pulled a Vinzora move on us guys !!

havent heard that name in a while lol.

Stop calling me a Demon Hunter.

Quiet truly I will miss you too. You are the most awesome looking warlock troll

May your blades never dull


Yes it used to be but now their main direction has switched to PVE for many expansions now.