I will miss you more than I'll miss the game

I have unsubbed.

I haven’t even tried 8.3 to be honest, all I see in this patch is: “yet another thing you have to do before you can PvP”.
Not going to miss this dumbed down, pruned, grindy game, but I will miss YOU, the forums.

Truth be told, I’ve had more fun arguing with you these past few weeks than I’ve had playing the game since the release of Legion.
Coming to the forums and reply to people has become part of my daily life and I’m going to miss you, for sure.

Except Demon Hunter players maybe. I’d pay a lifetime worth of subscription for you to be gone from the game. But that’s besides the point of this lighthearted thread.


Gl hf where ever you go.

All the best mon, spirits be with you!



Bye! :grin:

:clinking_glasses: :tada: :fireworks:

Good luck wherever your gaming takes you

We will miss you too rompuche! Gl in whatever you go off to do and maybe see you in the shadowlands :wave:

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Your absence will be felt Rompuche, rest in peace.



I’ll miss your posts dude.

Not gonna lie - if I were to lose myself, I would miss me too. I’m quite amazing.


Best of luck in your gaming adventures :four_leaf_clover:

I know how you feel OP I haven’t logged into retail in weeks. When I play a game I want it to be fun. They have sucked to much fun out of the game and replaced it with boring grinds.


Good luck friend! Hope you’ll have fun in Guild Wars 2!

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so long! take care, hope to see you around at one point again.








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To quote Eric Cartmenez:

Bye bye, so long, we will miss youuu

see I feel the opposite.
I feel the forums have become too much a part of my life and I’m trying to keep my online stuff to a minimum. Playing wow does not count.
I’ve been having the best time since 8.3 came out. Ive not touched it, just Vulpera.

Maybe you should use this time to grind old reps or transmog or something.

Don’t worry about the patch and use the time to have fun.
And if you can’t… I look forward to your threads in shadowlands.

Well that’s one less salty Lock to worry hearing from :smiley:

Seriously, I’m close to joining you. It’s been on my mind most of today. The fact I’m paying a sub to log in, do dailies and then log off again, is incredibly disheartening.

Best of luck, sir. Your salt will be missed.