On behalf of the Odyn’s Fury enjoyers, I withdraw the praise given, in the same way the damage was withdrawn from the ability.
I am glad Thanos won in the office, that balance reign supreme. The cost? Only half of all fun in the universe.
On behalf of the Odyn’s Fury enjoyers, I withdraw the praise given, in the same way the damage was withdrawn from the ability.
I am glad Thanos won in the office, that balance reign supreme. The cost? Only half of all fun in the universe.
Just use ravager brev
At least until you want to play slayer in TWW and HAVE to take Bladestorm
Ravager doesn’t belong on a Fury Warrior, and to be honest Ravager is a bit like Spear of Bastion, a placement ability that has no business being a Warrior ability. Odyn’s Fury was always a quite satisfying ability to use since it was added in Legion.
Agreed, can’t do the ‘target location’ nonsense while working on my carpel tunnel tbh. In all serious I agree, that is why i would never take ravager, even with @player macro.
Naahh killl fury warrior make it dead
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