I won the roll but cant get the Seal of the Poisoned Pact

As you can see from the screenshot i rolled 83 for the ring but somehow game count this roll as tie.
Yes i check my bags,yes i check my mailbox and no i dont leave till rolls are over.

You didn’t upload a screenshot but:

In case of ties where 2 players roll the same a second hidden roll takes place and a winner is determined from that roll.

As you can see from the screenshot i rolled 83 for the ring but somehow game count this roll as tie.
Yes i check my bags,yes i check my mailbox and no i dont leave till rolls are over.
h t t p s: / / imgur . com / MPpGo4X


Quite sure the other player left but then still pressed “Need” - which tied with you then a hidden roll occured behind a decimal to determine the winner automatically.

To break it down a bit:

You tied at roll 83 according the picture.

There are several possible bugs, such as expiring loot roll and then causing a “tie” which will have to be reported as bug.

The postmaster will send the item to the winner, if there is one. Since there is a tie, there is none.

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i don’t think you’re looking at the picture. there are no two people who roll the same dice. didn’t happen. however, the game tie wrote. and he didn’t write anyone as a winner in the chat section. or I’m saying the stuff didn’t go to anyone. don’t you understand? or do you still not want to understand?

The picture shows quite clearly, that you tied with someone.


See? Obviously the person you tied with, won the second (invisible) roll, and won the item.



priest was the last person left before I rolled the dice. and the highest thrower was 78. priest scored 50. evoker shot 78. and I was the last person to throw in the raid, and I threw 83. I ask. look at my logs. I don’t ask anyone for anything I don’t deserve. there is an error here. I’m saying he wrote a draw when I should have won. you’re talking to me about secret people.

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