I would pay extra

I would pay extra each month (20%, 25%, 30%?) for a server that had active GMs that hunted down and removed bots. RMTers. cheats & exploiters.
What would you pay extra for?


Berny would pay extra for a fresh classical server with better troll and night elf racials and no layers.


Gms, bugfixes and a better realmstability? Id pay 12,99 for that!

Personally I think all racials should be choosable (like a talent) when you create a toon no matter what faction or race. You pick what you want.

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TBC and Wrath Era servers and extra-extra for HC versions of both and like Bernie also extra for no layers.


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Removed bots would mean expensive mats on AH, meaning expensive flasks, food, everything, not sure ow many players would like that.

Are you f’ing insane in the membrane?

You’d pay extra, for them to do their job?
That’s a sad state we’ve reached.

Also, why are we making this post? Are you trying to give them ideas to exploit our wallets even more??

The problem is should it be on 1 server only?
How many hours should they be online? And what times should thry be online?
How would they be able to check all layers?
What if the gm get paid by certain botters on the side to look the other way?
What do you do as gm if the botter got an alarm irl when the gm is closeby and pretends to been playing all along? How do you actually prove he was botting?
What do you do with human errors and ban people that didnt even bot to begin with?

Bro it’s not rocket science to flag botters. You just need GMs ingame and you’ll find plenty at the best farming spots of every extension.

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I would not mind paying double the monthly sub - 30 EUR - to have active GM´s and if my extra money would be used to further combat botters and RMTers

I mean wow is not the first game with gms.
And all the questions i wrote is things that actually been issues in other games with gms in them.
And sure yes some botters will be banned. But botters will adapt towards a new reality if gms would be in the game.
Its very true that if gms would be banning some players would get banned, but it wouldnt be very effective.
For exampel it would be certain times they would actually be online.
Lets say 8am to 5pm on weekdays.
The rest time would be free for botters to bot how much they want to.
Same if a player reports another for botting.
A gm shows up and the botter have a detection for gms ingame.
The botter gets back to the pc and starts writting when a gm talks to him then you cant just ban.
Its really time consuming solution that wouldnt be very effective.
I hate botters as everyone else, but i dont think gms would solve a complex problem. Maybe ai could be an answer for the future for actually catch botters in mass?

There’s a thin line beteen neckbreads/no-lifers and bots.

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Now you see that is the issue for me. It’s hard to spot botters when you start implementing AI and general rules to flag botters because then, botters can adapt and go under the radar.
When you have a decent numbers of GMs rotating on a server it’s very easy to find them AND you have someone that can think about issues like is it really a botter or not ?

Nowaday, you have botters playing 24/7 for weeks on end mining and they don’t get banned. On the other hand, you have real players being banned (I lost one account like that) because I’ve been mass reported by botters for killing them. And because the system (however Blizzard want to make us believe that they have real people taking care of it) is entirely automated, you cannot even talk to a human when trying to contest the ban or even know why you’ve been banned. Because, of course, if they tell you why they ban you, botters may find ways to circle around those criterias.
I don’t think banning bots is diffucult in and of itself. It is simply costly to have enough GMS to do the work and Blizzard do not want to invest in it. When I started to play the game, an actual GM would tp on to you to answer your ticket. Issues that now take days or weeks to get fixed were being fixed in a matter of minutes or hour. There is just not enough manpower, and the same can be said about the dev teams unable to keep up with the timeline they set at the beginning of the year. SoD dying because the devs are on cata still trying to fix bugs that should have been fixed on the alpha version of the game, not a month after it’s official release.
I’d like to defend Blizzard because they made some awesome games but at some point they need to know that the way they work atm is not in their best interest. The game quality has dropped because they don’t invest enough on some important issues like botting.

In Vanilla to MoP GMs online at all times. You wrote ticket; If not totally stupid simple solution to be writ in game mail - and even this in few hours - a GM would meet you, hear out problem and solve/tell how to solve.
also GMs played, as normal players many times because they could not join group soaring and decked Blue and expect to have normal experience. This way GMs saw many bots, also they read letters from players. I was Hunter, could see - with Track Humanoids - undergrounisc botters, I report, they disappeared fast.
You make list fill of problems not exist.

Which is why having a server charge extra for these GMs could work IF enough people were willing to pay more.
10k people on a server paying an extra ÂŁ2 a month each is ÂŁ20k a month to go on wages just for that one server. For that you could have 24/7 coverage with money to spare.

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Yeah but you know it’s never gonna happen. How would they advertise it ? “basic” server for the current cost and “vip” server, or “proper server with enough GMs to garanty you the game as we advertised it” for an extra £2 ?
Either they increase the price for everyone and implement that on all server or they won’t and sadly this is not their main concern nowadays.

That said I would pay an extra couple of bucks for a decent game.

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