I would really really like to know the reasoning for the Death strike pvp nerf

I’m normally able to see stuff from both sides objectively but this death strike nerf really bothers me because I can’t understand it.
Pre nerf DKs were over performing on the defensive side although it’s kit is all affected by the changes to increased dampening, and they needed a nerf.
However I simply do not understand why a class with a relatively weak defensive kit would get its main signature ability adjusted so much down in pvp at once that it’s pretty much only the minimum (6%) healing that is relevant. Easy to understand why DK players switch class or unsub on this nerf.

I would love to have a friend on the dev team that could explain the reasoning.

No bias or crying btw I’ve been a rogue main for the last 4 years and clearly see rogues kit and favoritism being way better in pvp without doubt

Yeah we need a god damn reversion on this 50% double nerf. It is ridiculous. I don’t win any arenas pressing the button, plenty of games i have like 40k healing done with the enemy rogues having 500k at that point in time. We can win games with damage sometimes but pressing ds makes no sense anymore. Ok

You’re freaking pvp tanks. I could tank the whole enemy team in Bgs with my DK. You have heal upon heal with plenty of other talents. You have a damn shield against all magic at a 45 second cd… you have icebound fortitude to survive mele dmg, you are basically immune to slow and can have 2x death grip. And with all that you also want 60 k heals with every death strike? What else would you like? A 50 % dmg increase? The nerf was logical and justified. You still kill every class in 1v1. Now you just have a small counter with healing reductions. GOOD.

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You also forgot “Will of the Necropolis” a passive damage reduction for falling below 30%, eventho that got nerfed too, but just the fact it’s a passiv damage reduction is bonkers.

most new things on DK are passive tbf due to the button bloat of Unholy spec

but yes the problem was never death strike it was Will of the necropolis and Gloom that made death strike heal for 20%hp +

now death strike heals for 5% max hp without dampening and mortal strike

so yh… bit of an overnerf

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If you had some experience in rated arena you could understand why we are not pvp tanks, specially vs melee. Please stop spreading fake statements like “you just have a small counter with healing reductions” when top DK players cant heal against bad melees because the Death Strike heals less than 30k from our 400k HP. Its true that DKs were a bit too tanky in Bgs or encounters with no dampening but one thing is to balance a class and another one is to make one base spell not worth pressing in a competitive anvironment when the class isnt even that good. Truth is, DKs are insanely bad against melees and no one does anything to solve this.

Actual delusion

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Well before an accident out of my control deleted my DK. I could.

Death Strike is just Irrelevant at the moment, as blood spell warding and bone storm are crucial to stay alive in a big pack of alliance.

Healed around 2M before capping the warsong flag 900k spell warding 700k bone storm and the rest on Blood shield, DS, WOTN and AMS.

Rextroy explains the nerf:

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