obviously the 3600 is the most cost efficient cpu. However, according to UserBench, a site where you can compare parts, the 9900k gives 28% more fps in CSGo, 15% more in PUBG and 5% more in overwatch. UserBench also sais the 9900k has 11% faster single core speed. How much better do you think the 9900k is in wow? 10%?
I’m building a new computer and planning on spending around 400 dollars on a gpu, probably the rtx 2060 super. I’m torn on what cpu to choose though, 3600 or 9900k.
If you are using a 3600, how smooth is it in wow?
If you are using a 9900k, how smooth is it in wow?
I use a R5 3600 & and perfectly happy with it.
That aside, do you want to spend more on your CPU than you do on your graphics card?
PCPartPicker shows the US$ pricing of the 9900K to be close on 3x that of the R5 3600, irrespective of their core clock speeds being the same; that’s a big difference for 2 cores.
If you CAN justify $500 on a CPU, maybe a better bet would be to get a R7 3800 & a 2070 Super.
Some (approximated) numbers to play with:
i9-9900K + ‘2060 Super’ - $900
R5 3600 + ‘2060 Super’ - $570
R7 3800X + ‘2070 Super’ - $840 (Better balance for 8-core CPU)
R5 3600 + ‘2070 Super’ - $650 (Small stretch of budget, but still ‘affordable’)
The top two are based on items you’ve suggested here; the last two are based on the budget potential inferred, for comparison.
If $400 is ‘firm’ for your graphics card, but you’d like 8 cores, then maybe even consider:
R7 3700X (8 cores, 3.6 GHz core) - $690 incl. ‘2060 S’.
I’ve heared wow gets bottlenecked by cpu so i’m not sure if it’s worth getting anything better than the 2060 super. Am I wrong here? wow is the only game I play at the moment. might play some Dota and Chivalry to
WoW is still - after 15 years - a CPU dependent game; all that a recent generation graphics card is required for is feeding higher resolution monitors with newer generation refresh rates.
Realistically, a 9900K is overkill - tbh, anything more than 6 cores is. Why people use them is they’re the same value-for-money/price to performance as what was available in the back end of the noughties.
If you’re playing at 1080p, then a 2060 Super is fine; it’ll even be pretty happy at 1440p.
The main thing to be mindful of is the (monetary, if not performance) balance between your CPU & graphics card; spending $400 for graphics, for WoW, I personally wouldn’t be looking to spend more than $300 (max.) on a CPU.
Depends how firm you are with $400; if you can justify the extra, then it should be good for another year or two* after the 2060 Super.
*subject to newer tech getting released, ofc…
I upgraded to a Ryzen 3900x last november (with 3600Mhz RAM), coming from an I5-3570K@4,2Ghz OC with 2133 DDR3 RAM.
My min FPS basically doubled in raids etc.
From an avg of 45 FPS in a 20man mythic raid to an avg of about 80 FPS.
Of course there will still be drops to 45 or 30 on aoe heavy trash groups and 40 man worldbosses.
But that will happen on a 9900K too.
It is really important that you get at least 3200Mhz RAM with a Ryzen 3000 (up to max 3600, more might actually decrease FPS in some cases).
Im running 1440P on a 144hz IPS , with a 2070 Super.
But a 2060 Super is fine for 1080P 60Hz+ in most modern games.