[IC] Funny Massacre

Shagrath sat on an abandoned cart on the outskirts of Deathknell. He eyed his friend Onya with a quizzical look. This exceptionally sharp-witted undead carried about him a dry sense of humour that Shagrath had been able to relate to from the moment the two had met. And in that sardonic tone of his he had just presented an idea that might turn extremely profitable. What was now even more important, it would also be very, very fun.

“You know, that might just work. If there is something I’ve learned you can count on, it is people’s stupidity”, said another friend of Shagrath’s - whose name his rotting brain was unable to recall that very moment - remarking on the suggestion with brightening eyes from atop a crate upon which he sat.

They lowered their voices, leaned closer to one another and came up with an utterly devious, cunning, unfathomably horrible and most importantly very amusing plan to masquerade their true intentions from the rest of the population, while giving them access to materials they needed to achieve their true goal.

“And do you know what we could really use for that last part? A huge hulking Tauren!” Onya finished, giving the others a sly smirk.
“Let’s get moving. We can reach Mulgore by the end of the week if we move tonight”, the nameless friend exclaimed, hopping off the crate and was already dashing for the Zeppelin.
“Wait”, said Onya, trying to halt his often quick-to-act friend. “Are you serious?!” he shouted behind him, blinking. His questions did not slow the other down one bit. Shagrath also rose to his feet and started walking after him. As he passed the slightly dumb-struck Onya he shrugged and said. “It was rather wild an idea, but I’m up for it. And if it utterly fails, we can always blame you”, he grinned and scuffed after his friend, leaving Onya to stand alone beside the cart his mouth slightly open.

“Guys… I meant it as a joke…” he extended his hands helplessly, but no one was there to listen anymore. Shaking his head, he started after his friends, slightly concerned what he had just unintentionally set in motion.


Really excited to see people posting some rp on the forums, can’t wait to see the next part!


Thank you for your kind komment, Mr. Orc bows with a smirk

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I agree, keep up the good work!

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The serenity of the plains was unparalleled to anything Shagrath had seen before. The peaceful grass fields bathed in the gentle midday sun and whispered to him; if he had a bit more soul left in him, he could simply abandon this mad endeavour and remain here. Find peace, instead of this endless search.

But he did not.

He wasn’t a rabbit that could simply eat grass and be happy with it. There was a reason why he had come here.

He peered around the Camp Narache. The Tauren had proven far more intelligent than they had expected. Not a single one of the horned giants had trusted them one bit. The rotting vessels that hosted their consciousnesses didn’t help in gaining that trust.

Shagrath sighed and pushed onwards regardless.

“Hey you!” Shagrath shouted out to yet another bovine humanoid that went past him on some errand for the camps elders. They always stopped, polite and proper as they were toward their new allies in the walking dead, but always wary. This one peered straight into his eyes with a keen interest, however, and the sense of fear that he had flickered in the glances others was completely absent.

“Say Mr. Tauren, would you be interested in a… business proposition?”
The tauren hesitated for a moment, but then nodded, to Shagrath’s surprise.
“So tell me,” he replied in a booming voice.
“Not here, my friend. Too many curious ears”, Shagrath grinned and motioned towards the plains behind the tents. “Follow me”

“This is much better”, Shagrath nodded as they stopped a good distance from the camp, surrounded only by weeds. “Me and a couple of friends have a business idea. We could use one as mighty an ox as you are.”

“I don’t trust you at all”, the tauren stated bluntly, appraising Shagrath, who was but a critter next to his towering presence. Shagrath chuckled genuinely.
“Good, good. I wouldn’t recommend it either.”
“You do not look trustworthy,” the tauren added, giving him a gentle smile as in a way of an apology.
“I suppose I indeed do not,” Shagrath glanced downwards to the bones that were sticking out of his rotting body. “But there is still a lot of money to be made in our plan, and many other benefits, if you’re willing to hear me out, regardless of my appearance.”
“So what is your the plan, my friend?”

Shagrath told him their plans, careful not leave anything out, except the parts that might scare him off, which in this case happened to be just about most of the parts.

“People all around the country will be in awe of our show!”
“Are you planning to put me in a cage or something?” the tauren’s brows furrowed. Shagrath chuckled again.
“Oh no, nothing of the sort my friend. If we will have cages, those are certainly spared for the other… specimen. You’ll get to see the world. Azeroth is a big place. I’m sure there are places that will literally blow your mind! And we’ll split the profits ten – ninety, fair and square!
“We have to talk a little more about that distribution, but otherwise your proposal sounds interesting.”
“Good. We’ll work out the details later then!”
“But I want a guarantee that nobody tries to control my business. Not you, not anybody else.”
“Hmm. Fair enough. It’s a deal then,” Shagarth reached out his bony hand. It disappeared completely into the huge clamp of the tauren.

“Henosis. That’s my name”
“Pleased to meet you, Henosis. I am called… Shagrath. Let me introduce you to my friends. I’m sure they will be thrilled to meet you.”

As they walked back towards the camp Shagrath rubbed his hands together.

Now they had their tauren.

The next part would be easier.


As I joined TDS in late WotLK, I was always intrigued by its past events and members as they settled a long lasting IC (and OOC) reputation on DB. I remember after googling around a bit stumbling on some old forums or whatever, and found stories about Shagrath and Mooncrow, long after both of them left the RP scene. Mooncrow herself posted these later on defiasrp dot com as well.

Man, they were so darn great and inspiring to me. There always was a lot of talk about Ataris, but I just loved Shagrath and Mooncrow the most, eventhough all I had to go by were your old written stories and some memories of other roleplayers. I loved them. I really did love them back then. Like, really. Lol. I might look those up and read it all sometime again.

Have fun writing again, Shagrath.

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I thank you for your kind praise, it does mean a lot to me. It brings back a lot of nostalgic memories, and I’m extremely glad to hear you liked our stories.

Inspired by your post I dug into the past myself, and it appears the old story-forums are still intact. In case you want to look them up again, here they are: Just google “defiasrp.forumotion .net” then -> Library and Art section -> “A Gift of Madness” OR “Nightmares of the Sandman”

But past is the past, no matter how sweet the nostalgy can get.

Now it is time to make this new home of ours as lively and magnificent as DB was in its glory days. It is looking really promising thus far. See you in roleplay, kind Mr. Dwarf winks For Zandalar! grins and raises a fist