[IC] Public Service Announcement - Infested Cloaks

Pack up the RP boys, the level 61 worgen wants to support saurfang


It’s always the Alliance players who need to be vulgar and inappropriate.


Im not a part of his guilds and I still think its a fun initiative

Reported for vulgarity anyway


Yet the only ones getting upset are dog & draenei posters.

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Man has to make a living anyway he can these days. Times is hard.


The brown cloak rebellion!

Now I just need to get myself a firefly class cargo ship


No need for the inflammatory statements mate that’s just the height of rudeness with absolutely no reason for it beyond trying to get a petty reaction out of people and anger someone at least state your argument with a bit of sense and criticism instead of trying to weakly raise your sniper rifle and shoot people from a distance.

I’ve stated this before and I’ll say it again, if you dislike this initiative then the only thing you have to do is ignore it and absolutely no one will criticize you for doing so, no one is going to attack you for not taking part in this initiative. It’s made for a bit of RP on a virtual computer game.

  • Be me
  • Bought nice new brown cloak for Birthday by best Bro
  • Soft silk from Pandaria, light but warm
  • Decide to wear it now that it’s winter
  • See a citizen pointing at me while whispering to one of the Forsaken Soldiers as I walk through Orgrimmar.
  • Get Kidnapped by Sylvanas’ Elite Forces and Waterboarded in Ragefire
  • TFW mistaken for Rebel because of new cloak.

Don’t worry, the infestation will come to a halt soon. We’re on it, soon you’ll not see a single Brown Cloak in Orgrimmar.

Dudflex, don’t be ridiculous.

We use lava in Ragefire Chasm.


Very mighty roleplay! Hopefully more people get involved like this :slight_smile:

And so it begins…


Im still stuck on the ´being skeptical is not allowed?’ bit. People go ‘spreading these notices feel kind of meta’ and the response is ‘being skeptical is not allowed?’
I dont see the relation between spreading misinformation and being skeptical.

Probably just either a misunderstanding or something lost in translation

  • You slowly open your eyes. You find yourself in a cart, bound by your wrists. Pine trees surround you.
  • “Hey, you’re finally awake. Walked right into that imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.”
  • As you gaze into the sky for answers, a title appears before your eyes: Elder scrolls V: Skyrim.

Todd Howard, you’ve done it again!!!


Sylvanas is Todd Howard Confirmed.


But does it mean that Sylvanas sells us the same game multiple times while telling sweet little lies? Does it mean that in Legion Sylvanas’s motto was “See Highmountain? You can climb that mountain.”? And does BfA have 2031 endings?

Stormwind had its brown cloak problem in the past, and probably still does.

Why can’t the Horde have their own?

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God forbid the events of the world we RP in somehow impact the day-to-day lives of the worlds denizens in some other way than discussing a rumor for five minutes and then moving on.