[IC] Public Service Announcement - Infested Cloaks

[Womp reads the notice.

That’s a lie, Womp can’t read, stupid.

Luckily for Womp, work-work does not let him wear a cloak either. Something about hazard pay and health and safety. ]


this but unironically

gl with the cool flavour initiative though!


I love it when the WOW player-base are constantly complaining about the lack of content, but at the other hand also complain about fresh RP initiatives being launched to cultivate RP. Quite saddening.

Keep up the good work, I like it and I certainly think the Alliance should aspire to launch similar initiatives and attempt to make daily city-life that much more interesting.


Haha Alliance…

“First we welcome the refugees into our city, then they tell us what to wear and what not to! Back in my day we wore nothing but BROWN LOINCLOTHS and COWLS!”


I would have also concluded that the initial post was a bit meta-based (no, not that based. Freaking memers…) until it was pointed out this was, in fact, based on IC interactions.

In future mentioning as such might avoid all the- ahaha, no, this is AD, don’t be silly. Might avoid SOME of the forum drama as a result :stuck_out_tongue: Just saying.
Have fun!


wtf our lice are tainted, what next our cockroaches? wake up horde alliance is ruining our pet battles



You should have posted on Throgann instead of replying with profanity on your mysterious (but not so secret) alt character. I’m sure Okiba would have appreciated a fellow Red Blades discord skirmisher as back up.


13 days.

As far as admissions to doxxing and inappropriately lurking in other guilds discords go, that was slow.

But enlightening.

However I can’t imagine why I’d need ‘backing up’ on a topic about how your umbrella guild is adding to meta-gaming with more meta-gaming. Unless of course you have something to share from the stygian Discord that neither I or anyone else that would not be privy should know?

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Are we calling exposing lame alt sneer posts ‘doxxing’ now are we?


Are you really sure you need to make these kind of comments when your guildie is going nuclear?

Shouldn’t either of you just admit it was incredibly dumb and then evacuate, ignoring this initiative?

This is just perplexing in how hostile and defensive you are. If any of my online pals were posting the way he did on his worgen alt the first thing Id do is smack him, tell him he was stupid and then at the very least show some humility.


Don’t you think it is time for an apology after 13 days ? :disappointed:


What for? Ain’t no worgen in my guild.

Then who got doxxed… ahhhHHH :crazy_face:


Red blade or coherence, choose one


I don’t think your buddy’s homophobic alt-post (which has now thankfully been deleted) being linked to their RP character is really the traditional definition of doxxing, unless they happen to be an orc IRL

When you run a community that numbers in the hundreds, there is some crossover with other groups - and if you say regrettable things that normal people might think are off, they may well pass them along

It’s pretty obvious that you do/did

IDK what this even means - unless you’re sticking to your argument that only Saurfang knows how to fabricate what is potentially the most common type of cloak ever

I’m pretty sure that you are / were aware of that alt’s identity and your guild appeared to be really eager for the argument. IDK how it was done on Defias Brotherhood, because apparently the culture there (especially re. OOC politics and growth pot use) is very different, but on this server it’s considered good etiquette to post on a recognisable character


DFB migrant here, they are mostly defiasrp forums posting veterans, the official blizzard forum culture may be a bit alien for them


Contact Horkim for free delousing


Brown is a bit out of fashion anyways : )


I’ll summarize a response to wade through the snark.

Your guildy attempted to out one person by potentiallt revealing their alts and linked guilds, without proof.

You don’t run the community. It’s not in the hundreds.

I don’t need backing up, I’m neither in a fight or playing rugby.

The attempts to distract from my point on meta-gaming by questioning my knowledge of sewing and clothing are confusing and childish.

I am unaware of either individuals alt lists and am aware of no link, I barely know the Orc that was mentioned and don’t know the worgen.

Any other baseless, unproven baiting nonsense?


It’s still meta-gaming.