[IC] Public Service Announcement - Infested Cloaks

And this is where you are wrong . . .


I’ve not paid attention to the 150+ posts, anyone could be nice enough to provide me with a tl;dr of the whole thing? What’s with the metagaming?

DW I do my research before dragging people by their heels:


I also saw some weird as h*ck discord post about the whole ordeal.


People were wearing the brown cloaks IC as a show of support for Saurfang.
Perroy hears about IC, makes this proclamation IC.
People assume metagaming to stop people from wearing a (frankly) ugly cloak toy.


So you are doxx’ing. Thankyou.

The individual in question will be spoken to about their forum conduct and language. I’ll also pass it on to his other GM.

however, meta-gaming is still afoot.

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The toy is unironically horrible you could do a better job with 200 gold and a minute on the auction house


Good, I will be monitoring this from inside your discord


The long and short of it is that IC rumours are fluttering around Saurfang’s loyalty and something to do with brown cloaks, which has made Perroy (the character in the game) report that these cloaks are supposedly infested with lice to suppress people’s urge to wear them. Then people got angry and said this is meta-gaming, although I don’t understand how. Then an alt from another guild posted some rather tasteless comments regarding Perroy’s guilds and their members and now we’re in a back and forth. As is tradition.


Epic! Are we doing another mass report to defeat our foes, Red Blade Bros?!


Your GM already knows, he was talking to him about it in the discord log I was sent.

Given he palmed off the weird as h*ll mass reporting your guild did against us I am assuming this one will also be brushed under the carpet. Please stick to your policy as I per requested with your GM to not interact with us in the future, thank you.


There is no meta-gaming going on, maybe you should adress your guild about not freaking out ooc about rp in discord aswell


I absolutely do run what you describe as the “Stygian discord” and - given that it like 5 guilds in it, it is easily in the hundreds

You can scroll up a little bit and see how that discussion went a few days ago. You ended up dropping it and started talking about how people in Orgrimmar don’t mind having fleas

Put down the growth pot and let me reiterate - canonically “brown cloaks” are not a symbol of the rebellion. It is never referenced as that and there is no reason to believe that

This thread is a response to a group of players deciding to use brown cloaks to represent anti-Sylvanas sentiment. My character was told as much as responded in a way that reflects his paranoid / authoritarian character. He is not himself aware of the outcome of the Saurfang situation in the Swamp of Sorrows

It is weird that a group that knew about Saurfag’s survival / rebellion from the onset of BfA is so strict :confounded:


Can you please specify, in your own words, what metagaming actually means?

Because right now whoever is making baseless accusations is you, seeing how other posters already clarified in this very thread that the lice propaganda posters were created based on the In-Game, In-Character actions of those who started using the brown cloak as a symbol and talk about how the Warchief’s private parts and the Horde smells.


While you’re at it specify what doxxing means


You don’t run the community. It’s not in the hundreds. <

He never stated anything about running the RP community on this Realm nor running the community on anything but I assume you’re referring to the fact he’s put out a (freely-ignorable) public event to get some RP going which doesn’t make him a leader of anything, it makes him someone willing to take initiative and create some fun RP opportunities for people. You call him out for snark yet this feels like a very snarky response. Pot meet kettle.

I don’t need backing up, I’m neither in a fight or playing rugby.

Generally in an argument if one is weighing in their opinion they want some force behind it, be that sources or witnesses or people willing to backup a statement, considering everyone is advocating against your statements I’d say that shows something.

The attempts to distract from my point on meta-gaming by questioning my knowledge of sewing and clothing are confusing and childish.

He isn’t distracting from your point merely ignoring it because by now you’ve surely seen after multiple examples that gaining IC information through someone else that (might) have been metagaming isn’t metagaming - also let’s clarify this right now, if you choose to side with Saurfang he tells Zekhan to go back to Orgrimmar and essentially spread the word.

Any other baseless, unproven baiting nonsense?
It’s still meta-gaming.

Calling someone out for snark only to begin insulting their critique of your arguments and voiding everything they say as “baseless” and “unproven baiting” is nothing more than pot meets kettle and instead you should have came forward with a proper argument to critique any problems you might’ve had with this thread like others and you would have gotten an answer quickly, like others have.


It’s obviously not metagaming if you are responding to something that has actually happened in RP and the response itself is rational and understandable.

Metagaming would be doing something along the lines of personally identifying every member of the cool Saurfang fan club and executing them for all to see.


It seems that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree lol.

Defiasdogs will be defiasdogs.


Yeah… I doubt reacting to something happening during RP with a RP initiative is meta-gaming? Makes no sense to me, unless I’m missing a part of the story there.


It’s also an initiative about lice lol not some crazy rebellion initiative.


Okiba trying to fight war in no man’s land and shot from the trenches to death.
-1947 colorized circa