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It’s the artificial lag that they added onto the game.
So for instance, I’d heal a guy… but the heal goes onto him AFTER he dies.

Worst thing about classic.

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global cooldown

akjudsu ui jik lo lo lk

It’s the artificial lag, not your lag.
They could use the iron grenade and you’d be still stunned for a few seconds after due to it.

It’s like for instance, you could counter spell somebody and their cast could still go through.
Or you could sheep somebody and their cast went through shortly after they got sheeped.

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akjudsu ui jik lo lo lk

Why do you think there’s so much hate for the artifical lag/ spell batching?

akjudsu ui jik lo lo lk

You’re saying after a stun hits you…?
I’ve tried healing somebody who had health once and I get the “The target is already dead”

It’s the same thing, the artificial lag/spell batching.
Or are we talking minutes after the grenade?

As far as I’m aware, it’s straight after the grenade is used.
It’s not really off topic, if spell batching/artificial lag can do this.

Are we talking about an actual /failed/ here in the combat log or is this more of a feeling you have? Can you show a screenshoot where the combat log say that the spelled failed? It will say so in text when it does. I would guess you are trying to cast these spells during a global cooldown. Good pvpers are good in timing that. If you cast a spell and get the stun in the same batch it will mean you can’t cast another spell for 1,5sec. If that is the case.

akjudsu ui jik lo lo lk

The thing is, iceblock should work even when you are stunned/cc’d. I don’t know how lag matters for that.

akjudsu ui jik lo lo lk

Not sure exactly what you’re trying to say then…?

It’s not in the “combat log” - I physically could not cast a heal on the person(Despite the person being alive at the time) as it said “The player is dead”
Classic has many issues similar to this…
You know when you cast a frost bolt or what not at a corpse and it pops up “target is dead”

I’m literally saying that the fact you might’ve not been able to blink / iceblock might be down to that.
You keep saying I’m going off topic, but there’s nothing off topic about it…?

I’m literally talking about your issue lmao.

There is spell batching + artificial lag in classic = Probably the cause behind your problems.

akjudsu ui jik lo lo lk

Yeah, that looks like the artificial lag kicking in, if anything. (With your GCDS)

It’s the same concept as what I said before.
I cast heal on a guy who’s alive - only to get the saying “Target is dead” only for him to die a few seconds later.

akjudsu ui jik lo lo lk

No, I said it’s the classic’s artificial lag.
It’s literally still stating you’re stunned.

The Iceblock one, who knows.
I googled it and people are able to get out of rogue stuns by blinking/ice blocking.

So, yes… it could still be down to the artificial lag as you’re the only one with the issue? xD.
Brr brr.

Is an example of what can be happening to you.

Yes, it’s a similar way.
If I cannot heal when the guy is dead 3 seconds after I get the “target is dead”
Obviously it can be an issue with yours as well.

akjudsu ui jik lo lo lk