Icy-veins and WoWhead guides not having Spear Hand Strike in Talent tree selection

Hello Everyone.

I was copying the talent tree in Icy-veins, for my WW BE Monk, when I noticed, the interrupt spell wasn’t picked, in that guide.
I went to WoWhead and it was the same thing.

For context, I play a lot of level 70 characters, 25 to be more precise.
Among them a BE Monk and a Pandaren Monk. That’s why I usually just follow the guides to make it quicker.

I always thought that having a 15 secs interrupt was basic knowledge but it seems this guides are on to something, I’m not getting.

Either way, I’m planning on just following the guides.

What’s your opinion ?

Thanks for your attention.

The first build you see on Wowhead is a raid build and it’s more exception than rule that there is something to interrupt on raid bosses. Therefore, it’s not there by default. Probably better off copying the m+ build, for every spec really, as the raid build will probably be about heavy single target.

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I will do that.

Thank you :smiley:

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