So I got some points that i would like the blizz staff to answer to:
- doing the usual wpvp in nazjatar this week its the Nazjatar 25 kills, i’m sharded with 25+ alliance attacking our base aaaannnndd I see 10 guards attacking while they were all in the middle of our base. Tables turn and we push them aaaannnndddd more then 10 guards spawn just from the entrance( would like to really know the actual numbers here). The walls and buildings also work as cover for them but … not for horde, im hiding from casters beside a pillar ofc the pillar is there just for show…its like Houdini.
- doing Korrak’s revenge and i see some dumb usual guards at horde mine, I go to alliance mine what do i see … 4 elites that can oneshot a plate warr with 445 ilvl gear. And btw some guards are missing on horde side, its much harder to cap the grave flag and towers on alliance camp then the ones at horde, not to mention the to mention that now a demon hunter can take both horde towers( not even mentioning the numbers of mobs/alliance npc’s that have to be killed to reach theyr base and the free for all from horde)
Should i search for more?