I'd love to try out TBC

… But apparently there will be no fresh realms, so whats the point in jumping into this oligarchy now?

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If fresh was the selling point for you, then you clearly didn’t want to play TBC that much after all.

Your thread is pointless and you could have just posted in one of the better “fresh plz” threads.


I dont think asking for a reset to the ridicilously overblown economy is “pointless”

Fresh realm doesn’t take anything away from your experience moving to TBC on your old realm. You get to keep your hoard and enjoy them.


Your gold, your 60 levels, your gear, it does take away. Unless you have a different definition of what a fresh realm is to me.

Most other peoples definition of a fresh realm is starting at 1 again with absolutely nothing.

I think you misunderstood. I’m not asking for a full reset on every realm.

I’m asking to open one or two new ones with transfers to it locked. No-one is forced to roll there. You could keep on chugging along on your old realm just fine.


I get what you mean now, new fresh TBC realms not resetting all the old ones. No, they won’t do that.

Besides it’s a very over-rated thing, fresh realms. Just level to 60 now quite a few people are doing it.

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No one’s forcing you to play on a fresh server.

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It is when there’s a million other threads (that are better constructed) on the same subject.

This isn’t about me so this sentence is irrelevant.

Again: the question is not “if” but “when”. There will be fresh servers for sure. However, not within the launch, maybe couple months after.

Not a TBCC fresh server, they said Classic after maybe a few months when everything has calmed down. Fresh TBCC might happen around the time of WrathC.

Some people are so buthurt that others don’t want to play as they want them to play…


I’m only saying what Blizzard said, so don’t blame me.

We have servers that are near empty now.
If I was Blizzard I wouldn’t consider any new ones either until after launch to see how the populations play out.

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Well, you can stay in Vanilla Classic, if you want.

I wouldn’t say current servers are “oligarchy”. Can still have a lot of fun. An upside of the “broken” economy is that it’s very easy to have the gold for mount, skills, for leveling professions.

That said, I wouldn’t mind if they did F R E S H. There is some magic in it. And I think they will, eventually.

Just 1 fresh server per region or something, would be better if it launched during pre patch to follow the same progression cycle mind you


Fresh please <3 just as an option. If you want to keep your progress on current servers then you can do so.


Fresh only exists once. Just like a virging girl. If you get there to late, you never get the chance again.

So just jump in, aint gonna get any fresher then it is today

If they do fresh TBC servers it will run into same issues as current servers have in like 1 or 2 months. And then people will start asking for fresh over and over. No point.

I think there will be fresh TBCC realms, but only near the end of it’s cycle, when Wrath is close to or even already released.