I see a lot of threads complaining about the very long quere time on horde.
This is the result of A LOT of players rerolling horde (free 58 boost made this easy), for the OP class racials.
The default response for alliance side is: Reroll alliance.
Heck no, i’m not going to spend another 10 days playtime, just to be farmed 24/7 for honor, when I reach outland. This is not a problem caused by the players, but Blizzard.
So ye, I’d rather quit the game, than play alliance.
Already stopped doing PvP/Arena, which is what I like most about the game
More and more people on my friend list if offline during peak hours as well.
We need to fix this and NO - rerolling is not an option!
I am lvling alliance right now on Firemaw, super fun! You can finally fight as much as you want. On horde it’s hard to find opponents. Love this game and alliance is so much fun honestly.
But if you wanna quit just quit bro suck it up and act like an adult, no one likes a downer
Also you literally say it’s caused by a lot of players, then you say it’s not player-made but blizzard-made? Pick a lane bro.
Spend time leveling, buy another acc and boost, continue horde, or just leave mate
How can it be Blizzard fault if Blizzard give you only different possibilities - and only players choose what to do and what to choose? Free 58 boost for hordies only or what?
It is child mentality “i go hordi because popular streamers doing it” - so now u got what u deserve. U can ask about any fix that does not infringe Alliance.
free or paid fraction transfer - yes
merc mode or horde vs horde - NO
dont be afraid to play a alliance character, dont stick to one faction I play two factions. I play variety its a spice of life. I have 67 human paladin who is a spelladin dps, orc eh shaman lvl 62, 60 ud rogue and 61 orc fury warrior but I mostly like to play melee style because I enjoy it more then playing ranged myself.
Im sorry but the argument of Blizzards fault aint serious anymore.
All things in life are choices and consequences which people have to handle. 2021 is meta decade while 2000 were not. How does it come that Horde queue times in original TBC were waaay short? I was there and I saw it. If I as original Horde player can reroll due to knowing Horde will be overpop due to meta so can you.
I value my time more in 2020 so im staying Allie for PvP and Horde for PvE
I can’t believe the mentality of this community. Just suck it up ? Buy another acc ? Boost ? Are you insane ? Why do I have to give more money ? Why do I have to waste my time when it isn’t supposed to work this way. And what is this crap with blaming the players ? People will play what they want to play. I didn’t made tauren because it has some meta racial or something, I made it because I like them and I want to play with my friends. This all sounds very much like alliance players being butthurt and complain that the horde has “op racials”. I thought you don’t care about racials and meta ? I thought you alone said to the guy “suck it up”. Well suck it up yourselves. I didn’t spend two months playing only to start over and do the same thing. Blizz made those bgs, those races, those abilities, those boosts etc. Also if you’re on pvp server you can’t just re roll and throw it all away. Stop defending the corporation that doesn’t care and blame your fellow players who want to have fun and battle with you. Also my whole horde experience while leveling was 60/70 alliance camping me at every level, especially in front of dungeons, so you could turn it around and blame the alliance for doing pve only and not doing bgs. You’re being as immature as the “meta horde elitists” you claim are at fault.
Reroll or put up with the ques blizzard wont address this “issue” as BG ques are working as intended, putting horde vs alliance regardless of population. It’s not up to blizzard to regulate human decisions, it’s up to you as a player to weigh up the pros and cons of each choice you make, unfortunately most horde meta slaves don’t seem to agree nor understand this.
Rerolling is not an option for you. And you can play arena without a Q. If you want to walk away that’s fine. But don’t think that only you have a problem. PvE players have to wait for tanks for 1-2h. That’s the way this game works.
And it’s not a problem Blizzard created. It’s a problem created by meta sheep.