Spreaking in terms of pvp, outside of few days there and there before hotfixes and nerfs, the class has been a joke in pvp ever since BFA started. There was years of feedback and now mostly everyone quitted even trying or typing and changed main classes (including me).
SO how about this Blizzard (Microsoft) - for us PvPs just give us a “class migration feature” exclusive for DK to another melee class (I see most of them are DHs now), all our achievements, gear etc. transfered to another class.
Then utimately just phase the class out, do some lore where all DKs die and become something else idno, I believe it is at the point of no return anyways.
Just throwing ideas here yo
EDIT: wow I just noticed, even the DK forums are dead
We would be good if they revert all of these
All dk nerfs:
Ams 50%
Ds 50%
Erw 70%
Abo limb 50%
Magus 50%
Reaping 33%
All ghouls nerfed 50%
Main pet 50%
Tier set 50%
Festermight 50%
Death coil 30%
Festering wounds 30%
Rotten touch 50%
Bos 100%
Wyrm 50%
Reanimation 50%
Necrotic aura 50%
Will of the necropolis 50%
Necrotic wounds from 5% to 3%
Apocalypse ghouls number nerfed
Army of the dead number of ghouls reduced
Abomination removed
Armor nerf
Pets do not scale with mastery anymore
Spellwarden removed
Blind 2sec nerfed
Asphyxiate 2sec nerfed
Gargoyle nerfed
Lost of unholy blight because of talents swap