Idea for arms warrior talents

Inspired by the times of WotLK, got an idea and decided to share with you, return the talent to arms warriors and rework it:

Taste of Blood
Whenever your Rend ability causes damage, you have a 35% chance to reset the cooldown of your Mortal Strike ability and increases it’s damage by 35% for 6 sec.
This effect will not occur more than once every 6 sec.

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But arms warrior already has a way to reset both overpower and mortal strike.

I don’t really think adding a third way to reset mortal is gonna do much for gameplay honestly.

But maybe rend could do something else.

Although i haven’t really thought about that.


I actually love skullsplitter as an idea, but it’s not fun to use it, because we need to reapply rend. I would like them to elaborate on this idea more, and fix rend somehow

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When Dragon Roar bleed will also be taken into account with Skullsplitter talents, then it might become really nice to burst a target.

There is nothing wrong to re-apply Rend after using it (with TC), it’s a rage dump in any cases & it spreads it up to 5 target.

It’s basically a change of the battlelord talent, not sure it’s a good idea to empower more MS when OP is already that weak

Maybe they should change arms to use energy instead of rage. I think for skullsplitter to feel good, they need to change how we apply rend in general, and maybe how rend works. Else it’s gonna be: Rend skullsplitter rend, which feels terrible

When you start talking about warrior should be using energy…

Hokage, my man, come back to us. You are dangerously close to becoming a hunter.

Look: the way rage works for arms warriors would make more sense for energy, if you think about it. Otherwise you will have the situation, where you have to look at your autoattack for rage gain, which is weird, and rng due to potential crits… The fact we use ignore pain to dump rage is bad. They need to rethink this spec imo. Ignore pain should not cost anything. Imagine now we had energy: We would still do the same rotation, but we would never be ressource capped by just doing damage. They should also imo change how arms applies bleed, if they wanna go with skull splitter, because I don’t think thunderclap makes sense for it. I’m also really not a fan of sweeping strikes. It should just be a passive talent, because we have it up really long anyway, and it would help us with the disparity of either going full ST or full AoE.

I disagree, the rage mechanic is core of the warrior class and it has already been streamlined to work like sudo-energy already. If it goes any further, you will kill that part of the game. No bueno. No me gusta.

What you are looking for seems quite clearly to lean towards BM hunter:
Focus/energy recourse class :white_check_mark:
Less RNG recourse gains :white_check_mark:
Does not watch their AA timer :white_check_mark:
There are no overflow recourse dumps :white_check_mark:
You got the same rotation, that never will recourse cap while you do it :white_check_mark:
Bleed makes sense :white_check_mark:
AoE modifier is passive and part of the rotation :white_check_mark:

While I get that you want your perceived solution to be implemented to warrior, it really just sounds like you should go for hunter instead. There is nothing wrong with that. Very often a class fantasy you want, is not in the one you are currently playing. Always keep in mind, there are a lot of people who enjoy what is right now. They also won’t be on the forum being loud about it either - because they are content.

:dracthyr_a1: Maybe even MM hunter would fit your bill perfectly try it out!

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No? I love the class fantasy of warrior. Just mechanically the way energy works fits better to arms with the current design. Rage fits fury and prot very well. Purely from a mechanical perspective though, energy would be better the way arms warrior plays. Watching AA timer is also a bad mechanic, because 1. crits make your rage gain unpredictable and 2. it requires a weakaura. I think arms abilities are fine, but the way they gain and spend ressources is not objectively. It feels very random and is not engaging. I’m gonna switch to protection next season and become a tank anyway though.

However, ideally for me, they keep rage, but they should get an overhaul with how they gain/spend ressources, because that’s the problem, and that’s why energy would make sense currently.

The spiky ragegain is what keeps you on your toes, keeps the mid-tier warriors from high-tier. It is a skillcap and a part of the class mastery to manage your rageflow.

If it was too steady, it would simply be - as I already mentioned above - boring and stale. Not something that you would want. Could there be some improvements and adjustments, sure. Should it be reworked to mirror energy/focus, no - indeed, it should not.

I do still recommend you to create a hunter alt, though. For when you want to go for DPS.

So did you decide to go for hunter?

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