Idea for Warrior P4 Rune

A rune idea for Warriors in P4:

Rune of Bellowing Voice
Augments the Warriors shouts with additional effects.

  • Battle / Commanding Shout: Increases the duration by 3 minutes.
  • Demoralizing Shout: Deals a small amount of damage and interrupts spell casts. Now has a 12 Seconds cooldown.
  • Intimidating Shout: Disarms enemies for 8 second. (Meaning if the affected enemy gets rid of the fear effect they’d be disarmed for the duration they would have been feared for.)
  • Challenging Shout: Applies a bleed effect to taunted enemies. (This would mean the warrior still deals threat to affected enemies, so they have a less chance of just instantly running off once the taunt ends, due to warriors having very limited AoE threat as Prot.)

PTSD: The Warrior shouts so loudly it traumatizes his party and makes them hear his shouts indefinitely as long as the Warrior is present.


Warriors needed more handy little runes like this and less scaling/proc runes in general.

Dealing damage was never going to be an issue for warriors but keeping up with every other classes utility was.

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no we do not.
Warriors do not need any more %scaling runes.
Warriors is the only class which have literally zero new buttons in the rotation.
Both quick strike and raging blow are obsolete.
Rampage do have potential with the full WB at the 60 but now it’s overpowered by the wrecking crew which is also a passive.
100% of the warrior rune kit is the passives.
We do need a stable skill, two of them actually for dual and 2h specs, which would be a cornerstone to the rotation and not just a support skill to get yet another 5% dmg or haste.

  • Battle / Commanding Shout: Increases the duration by 3 minutes. ---- 8 minutes (10 with talent
  • Demoralizing Shout: Deals a small amount of damage and interrupts spell casts. Now has a 12 Seconds cooldown. no it will be abused in pve since people are already spamming hamstring to proc deep wounds, thrash blade on hit effects (and hand of justice in p4 and windfury
  • Intimidating Shout: Disarms enemies for 8 second. (Meaning if the affected enemy gets rid of the fear effect they’d be disarmed for the duration they would have been feared for.) completely useless since classic has access to FULL disarm immunity (steel weapon chain, strat magister gloves + crafted epic blacksmithing gloves)
  • Challenging Shout: Applies a bleed effect to taunted enemies. (This would mean the warrior still deals threat to affected enemies, so they have a less chance of just instantly running off once the taunt ends, due to warriors having very limited AoE threat as Prot.) useless again since bleeds don’t generate snap threat and only gen threat when they tick


thunderclap applies rend to all targets hit

demo shout does no damage and interrupts with increased range

intim shout silences you if dispelled, even melee spells (mutilate, mortal strike etc)
challenging shout actually taunts mobs instead of “making mobs attack you” which isn’t the same thing

I never played vanilla, I don’t understand why many people like it, it’s a raw, completely ill-conceived game with poor pvp design, my journey in WoW started with TBC, it’s the same vanilla, only better, finished all the bugs, added arena, resilience, beautiful pvp/pve sets, etc

Take for example a warrior, charge for a warrior is one of the most important actions, it’s like opening for a rogues, with charge starts a combo attack, but in vanilla if you are slow your charge will be as slow, and the target will just run away from you, also charge has resistance, in TBС it’s all fixed, brought to mind

and players can jump mid charge so you don’t end up at the same melee range as you would if they didn’t jump