Idea M+ Rewards System

It’s quite disgusting to suggest that bad players are forever bad. No. Bad players are simply those who haven’t be taught by the game how to be good. They haven’t been taught because the game provides a path for them to “win” without learning. In literally no game should bad players be allowed to succeed. Try playing Cuphead and being bad, try playing Super Mario Bros and being bad. Try playing Half-Life and being bad. No. Being bad is not a permanent state of being. It’s simply a player who doesn’t care enough to become good. And people who don’t care shouldn’t have entitlements.

And when I say “good” I don’t mean MDI #1 player, no. I mean someone who knows how kicking spells work, who knows to use their cleanses and their dispells. Someone who knows how their character works. That’s all.

And hey, if gear required skill to obtain, it would be a status symbol enough that RIO wouldn’t be necessary.

Yeah… you will.

Being bad is fine. Staying bad forever is not. And it’s the game’s job to push you into being good. The main way games achieve this is by requiring you to become good in order to “beat” it.

Oh and I thought gaming is about having fun. My mistake. You are wrong and the dropping numbers are the proof. Get over it that you will achieve nothing by bashing casuals. You are a bad player because if your personality


Especially when you see how numbers started going down when WoW became a casual MMO. Weird how that works out, huh. You have TBC and Wrath, which were hardcore back in the day by today’s standards and the game was thriving, and every attempt to add more “quality of life”, or to make the game more “casual friendly” has resulted in the game declining. Shadowlands’ INSANE hype, becoming WoW’s best selling expansion was on the grounds that it’s gonna be hardcore again.

Bad players aren’t stupid. They just haven’t been taught to be good. That’s all. Everyone can press buttons on a keyboard, it’s all about knowing when to press what, what’s the meaning of the buttons you press.

When you treat bad players as somehow inferior, incapable to learn, you just show how low your opinion of them is. Don’t try and act as if you’re defending them - you’re telling bad players they have some form of brain damage that prevents them from being good. No. They just need to learn the meaning of their buttons and then arrange those meanings to tell a story, and that story is how they top the dps charts.

That’s all, mate.

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It was just a point of going from a star to cash cow. So whats your point? It had nothing to do with casuals entering the game. It has something to do with other games entering the market. But I guess you have absolutly no clue how this business works. Your theory is also bad in case of MoP. It might be awful to hear for u but MoP with fat pandas was a decent addon for elitists and casuals

My point is that when the game encourages players to learn it, it shows that the game has confidence in itself, like it is worth learning. It also gets people invested in the game, and then they find more meaning and more reasons to stay. Casual MMOs do not succeed.

The MMO genre dies on the hardcore hill. This type of game needs to command high level of engagement from its playerbase in order to get anywhere. All successful MMOs were hardcore. Never seen anyone tell stories about their time in… Wildstar or whatever. Wildstar just died, mate. Why? Because it placated the lowest common denominator.

Just like WoW is doing right now. But it is resting on its past laurels, which manage to keep it alive.

I learned several things:

  • 3x m+ pug runs no item drops
  • m+10 only drop 203 ilvl
  • u need ~30-40 runs to get a specific item in a pug

this system encourages only one thing - quitting the game. And I tell you another thing. Casual mmo were a thing during mop/wotlk even legion was good somehow. back in the days casuals could participate in heroic dungeons without a hassle. Now there is the hard barrier 200 ilvl wall from m+ fiestas

Whaat? What type of a loser does M+ for the loot?

Nah, you do M+ to fill your retention mechanic so you can come back at the beginning of next week to claim your unclaimed prize!

M+ is basically universal basic income but for gear. It’s welfare gear. The ilvl that the dungeons drop is appropriate for the difficulty and the only problem with M+ is the vault. Actually I hate the vault.

No. M+ players get enough already.
Stop being greedy.


i’m not being greedy , pushing high keys need you to play the game more than raid logging 3hours/2days .

atm it’s just a waste of time to push high keys , i just find it sad because m+ push players limit and probably the most played mode by far and appreciated .

if Blizzard would make high keys valuable with rewards ( special cosmetics for each class) , lot of people would not leave mid-patch .

because lot of players get KSM and are done with the game , i don’t know its kinda sad , lot of people want KSM and don’t care about mythic raiding after so they leave the game after getting KSM , but for me getting KSM is too easy if you want to get it

And even more people never get KSM. What’s your point?
If something is easy FOR YOU, that doesn’t mean it’s easy for everyone.
Difficulty is subjective.

More ‘high end rewards’ will just lead to even more elitism.
I really don’t think the game needs that. Quite the opposite actually.

elitism is only a problem in m+ zzzz , nobody cry about gladiator being too hard to reach so its not fair for the casuals

MMO = elitism , you play the game to have the best rewards where some people can’t

if casuals want to have the same rewards as the elites players because they don’t have the skill/time, then they don’t play the right game . They just should play league and tag normals games .

this mentality is killing the game , if everbody have every rewards , gear , what is the point of playing the game

Like what? Shower everyone with 233 for remembering their password correctly when logging in?

Maybe that’s how YOU look at it, but that’s definitely not my mindset. And I’m pretty positive that I’m not the only player who feels that way.

Ahhhh you ARE an elitist. That explains so much.

Wow, how about that?

Well… I guess we’re done talking then. Because I 100% disagree with your sort of mindset.

Did I say that? No. So don’t imply such nonsense.
The remark was aimed at ‘elitism in WoW’. We don’t need more of that. Clearly.

Well since appropriate reward structure (effort=reward) is elitism then the “opposite” to that would be… free 233 to everyone? All are equal comrade!

KSM is not well balanced . It is too easy for M+ players who like to do M+ every day and it is too ‘’ hard ‘’ for the casuals , for me it is not even hard . it’s just take time and effort like making his own keys and not waiting 2 hours to get into a key :clown_face: lot of ppl give up m+ because they got depleted their key 1 time so m+ are toxics :clown_face: they try to get into +15 keys when they have the key timed in +12 and make forum post about why they dont get invits bcs they play bad specs for -15 keys :clown_face:

If you can play your spec decently , doing 3k5-4k dps overrall , you will still get KSM easily .

On my new alt ( enahncement shaman ) , i litteraly could not show the rio of my main because you need minimal 500 rio, i did my keys with full pugs

i did +2 >+5>+7>+9>10

i had already a +10 keys when i had only 190 ilvl , and nobody wanted to invit me in randoms pugs and i got my keys to +14-15 with 205 ilvl and ofc nobody wanted to take me in randoms +15 but i could make easily my keys and invits 215-220 players in lol

I feel like we need a whole thread just about this tbh

See too many ‘‘Its easy because i can do it lol’’

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I’m mainly a raider and my goal this season was to do just 1 m+20 and managed last week due to east affixes.

I wouldn’t mind if there were more rewards such as a mount for doing all 20’s. The only issue is that contrary to PvP or raiding, M+ changes every week and while in one week you can easily do a certain key level, another week will be harder.

Idm more rewards but for a lot of people it will become “you have to complete this exactly this week because next easy week is 6 weeks from now” which isn’t fair.

Again twisting words to create nonsense; I never said anything of the sort.

233 is terrible maw gear is 237 :stuck_out_tongue:
only good is is the 250 gear along 260 legendery bow

You can’t deny that M+ needs something unique from doing it at high levels, like how PvP and raiding have. It is, after all, supposed to be an endgame activity like the previous two mentioned, and honestly, I’m fine the portals being added in 9.1. Not all raid tiers drop a mount at the last boss, so while we may get teleportations in 9.1, we might get something different in 9.2.