Idea M+ Rewards System

Hello , with the new score systems from Blizzard , i think they should make new rewards in M+ .

First i think KSM should stay the same .

I would love new rewards for the top m+ players because , for a lot of players +15 are easy . And lot of players keep playing the game through the patch , just to do higher M+ key

For me , every decent player who want KSM, what ever specs , can get it very fast if they put minimal effort , like learning mobs abilities with MDT , making his own keys , playing the game

in League of Legend , players above diamond/platinium at the end of the season get rewards . Blizzard should do the same for M+ players .

Blizzard should give rewards to the top players score by spec and faction at the end of the season too .

They would give rewards to the top 15% , 5% and 0,1% of every SPEC and FACTION .
I give randoms % tbh but something like that .
the top 5% survival hunter in the alliance for example :slight_smile:

Because everyone know , the class balance is a joke and playing horde give more chance to get KSM and do better keys because there ares mores players .

The game would be fair , players could play the spec they like and not abuse the meta specs , and we would not be punish if we play Alliance .
Because there are less people playing Alliance , so it would be easier to get the rewards at the end :slight_smile: . But Blizzard should do something against the faction change abuse :slight_smile: , players would abuse it before the end of the season .

And it would litteraly counter meta specs abuser and not punish ‘’ bad specs ‘’ because it would be probably easier to get the best rewards playing survival hunter than playing boomies this season for exemple


I don’t like niche rewards .


not a fan. there are already exclusive rewards for those who manage to complete +20s, i dont see a need for even more rewards for the top percent of players.

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Big fat nope for m+ fiesta rewards

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I like the idea. The game really needs some exclusive rewards.
First weeks of the patch was pretty cool seeing the KSM mount, right now not so much, since everyone has it.

Look at the gladiator mount, if I see someone on that one, I’m going to think “that dude must be very good”.

Limited rewards are very nice to motivate people to get better.
I think a lot of people at the beginning started raiding just to get that cool looking gear they saw on people in Stormwind.

Another motivation is to not give them free reward for basically logging in. I can never get geared in full 226 gear through mythic raids - simply not good enough. But I can easily do it through dungeons. Because doing 14s is basically free gear. This is why players aren’t motivated to get better. You don’t even need to time the key to get a 226 item out of it.

14s drop less than heroic ilvl. If you want to gear up only with the great vault is gonna take you much longer than a mythic raider.


No, it won’t because I can’t gear up as a mythic raider. Not in this tier. Maybe the next one. I am 3/10 mythic and I can get the 226 gear from these 3 bosses. But… through m+ I can get full gear set. And if I do 10 m+14s every week, it will take like 3 months for me to get my full 226 gear set… without ever facing any really hard content that warrants 226 gear.

The way players get better is when the game DEMANDS getting better in order to obtain the top rewards. You cannot beat Sekiro without getting good. You have to learn how to parry, how to dodge, how to use your tools. But you can beat WoW without having to learn how to even play a class.

14s are hard for the general playerbase, especially at the start of the season. If you are lucky enough to get a full set in 3-4 months that’s fine. No harm on people having a good character at the end of the tier.

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It’s hard because the game doesn’t ask them to learn to play. This is one of WoW’s major issues. In my opinion, bad players should not really be able to ding 60 alone.

yes thats why people get bored , and don’t play the game , you just need to do 1 +14 and u can log of , you will have the same gear has somebody doing 20 keys +20 in the week , the gear has no value atm , it’s a joke .

Nothing in the game push players to play the game , maybe in pvp because players want to get gladiator even if they don’t have the level , they try to get better and thats it .

No niche rewards in a MMO = the game can’t work , you play a MMO to be the best and flex on others peoples with your cools rewards .

And players play the game to get this rewards even if they won’t probably get it , they try to get better and play the game .

No niche rewards = no 233 gear for the 2 last boss , no gladiator = nobody would play the game

That’s an issue of 20s not giving anything, not 14s giving too much. I’d say they give too little even. High ilvl gear just makes gearing quicker and easier to get into the fun content.

next patch , we will be able to teleport with the +20 achievement :scream:

i’m realy motivated to grind +20 keys in pugs for this

I think the range of +10 to +14 is perfect difficulty for the entire game, and all “exclusive” content should be harder. I play WoW kinda casually, even if I play a lot, but I am a gamer who is not a casual by any measure. We were talking with my mate, both of us came back to BFA after years of being away and we were both of the same mind - the game itself is really good. But it takes ages to get to that point. You have to level up through way too easy content, that it simply cannot be fun. Then you need to get your key to +10, and then it becomes good. We were really baffled at why Blizz would make all dungeons so easy, to the point where you have to farm and scale them to the point where the game becomes fun.

Easy games aren’t fun. Nobody thinks they’re fun. The players who revel in them are those who have low level engagement with gaming and everyone with high level engagement drops them for something… engaging. WoW IS engaging. Otherwise I wouldn’t be playing it. But it takes too long to become engaging.

You need a goal post though. You need a point which any player can reach, but need to put work in to get there. That’s what KSM does.

Now, I respect that a few players find +15 “easy”, but those players really are a minority population. I think Blizzard would be right to improve the game for the masses rather than the few.

If you’re really playing past the goal posts and upset because there are no rewards left, maybe try playing some of the other areas of the game and getting those rewards. I mean World of Warcraft is more than M+ or whatever end game mode you chose to play, and alot of high end players tend to forget about that.

I do believe the top 0.05% should get a season reward/award such a title for the efforts they put into doing it. But as far as anything else goes. +15 should always remain the goal posts, because it is hard to get and work towards.

i don’t know

mythic raiders raid to kill denathrius at the end of the day and get the 233 gear but how much players reached Denathrius ?

pvp players pvp to get gladiator at the end of the day but how much players got gladiators ?

KSM can’t represent the end game in M+

This rewards don’t impact only the minority , they impact all players . They push players to play the game , and don’t waste their time .

when i see a player with the glad mount , i’m like wow , this guy must be realy good and push me to play pvp , when i see the KSM mount , i litteraly don’t care

Why not? It’s a big achievement to get reach which required alot of hard work and dedication.

Had 9.0 been a normal length patch, we wouldn’t be seeing many players pushing much above +15 by the time Season 1 should have ended.

When I see a Glad mount, I think why are they still rewarding PVP’ers with mounts like that. Also if you want the Glad mount, why did you start pushing higher than +15 when you could have just started working towards getting that instead. There’s plenty more game to be playing.

The only reason why the KSM mount has lost it’s value is because the Season has gone on for so long. It was hard to get, if you worked for it from the start.

1470 Guilds have killed him. That means 29.4k players have been involved in the kill. Plus minus hoppers in between guilds. Number rising by benched people getting the kill in another lockout as well as boosted people. So over 30k easily.

Maybe specific tmog sets, something like elite pvp and mythic sets. I think that would be cool :slightly_smiling_face:

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You are disgusting. What is the problem that bad players could have a way of gear progression? Will you ever see a bad 220 ilvl player in your raid? NO! will you ever see a bad 220 Ilvl player in your precious m+20 key? NO! The game is in this sorry gear progression state because the elitists didn’t want to have casuals in their game.

But I tell you something. You will never bring a casual into a m+ or myth raid but they still want to feel progression in the content they are doing.